Your score |
Max score |
Coding style (marks independent of program functionality)
- Appropriate use of white space (source code)
2 |
- Self-documenting naming conventions
3 |
- Boolean and mathematical expressions are simple and easy to read
3 |
- Each method implements one well defined task
4 |
- Functions/methods don't exceed one screen size in length ~ 30 lines
of code (excludes whitespace and documentation)
2 |
- Class Entity does not consist of at least 3 methods
-3 |
- Class World does not consist of at least 3 methods
-3 |
- Class attributes not logical to the definition (e.g., not
variables that are just local to a function or method but belong to
each instance)
-4 |
- Static variables employed (unless otherwise allowed)
-4 |
- The code for the 3 classes are not included in its own file.
-9 (-3 each) |
Sub total
Documentation (marks independent of program functionality)
- Header documentation includes full name and tutorial section
2 |
- Some form of versioning system is demonstrated in the header
1 |
- Each function/method is documented (similar to documentation for the
entire program but applies only to that function/method). (Min. of 9
methods that need to be documented)
9 |
- Program limitations documented
1 |
- Program features documented (for each feature you need to
clearly indicate if it has or has not been implemented in the final
version that you hand in
16 |
Sub total
Functionality (only qualify for these marks if the program runs:
note some features obviously requires other features to be implemented
before credit will be granted)
- Runs on a turn-by-turn basis
1 |
- Prompts the user at the end of each turn before proceeding to
the next turn
1 |
- Orcs move in the prescribed fashion
6 |
- Dwarves move in the prescribed fashion
6 |
- Orcs won't move past the bounds of the world
4 |
- Dwarves won't move past the bounds of the world
4 |
- Orcs stop moving when adjacent to a dwarf
8 |
- Dwarves stop moving when adjacent to a dwarf
8 |
- Correct and complete round-by-round statistics displayed
8 |
- Orcs will randomly attack adjacent dwarves (damage range is
8 |
- Dwarves will randomly attack adjacent orcs (damage range is
8 |
- Orcs will be removed from the world when hit points are zero or
6 |
- Dwarves will be removed from the world when hit points are zero
or less*
6 |
- Program can determine when all the opponents on one side or the
other (or both) have been eliminated and end the simulation*
12 |
- The output of the program is graphical rather than using text
6 |
- Program employs sound effects to enhance game play
4 |
Design requirements (may modify the raw score)
- Implements static methods (other than 'main()')
functionality marks by two1 |
- Program consists of only one class (style marks will also be
functionality marks by two1 |
- Functionality not assigned to the appropriate class as specified
in the assignment description (e.g., the attacker implements a task
that belongs to the defender).
Max loss of 8
marks to functionality (tallied after the above two modifiers, if
applicable) |