Topics covered: The
example programs can be found in UNIX by looking under:
/home/219/tutorials or via the following [weblink]
Jan 11 - 17
No tutorials |
Jan 18 - 24
- Review: basic UNIX command line commands
- Review: using a simple UNIX text editor
- Submitting assignments using D2L: [UC-IT
help link]
- Creating, compiling, executing a simple Java
- Variables
- Formatting output
Jan 25 - 31
- Debugging examples
- Requirements for mini-Assignment2
- Classes and objects: defining classes with
attributes and methods
- Working from home using SSH: [Windows]
Feb 1 - 7
- Requirements for Assignment1
- (The rest of the tutorial will be an 'open'
tutorial: TA will be available for help in the tutorial room but no
new material will be taught).
Feb 8 - 14
- More debugging tips
- 'Dice example': random numbers, implementing a
user interface class
- Discussion of requirements for Assignment 2
Feb 15 - 21
Feb 22 - 28
- Design exercise: determining candidate classes
from a software requirements document.
- References vs. objects: parameter passing
mechanisms, wrapper classes, arrays of references to objects
Mar 1 - 7
- Open tutorial: TA's will be available for help
but no new material will be taught
Mar 8 - 14
- Discussion of A3 requirements
- Coverage of select Midterm #1 questions
- (Related example: common shadowing mistakes)
- Design exercise: attributes and methods
Mar 15 - 21
- Method overriding example
- Mixing and matching different types within an
inheritance hiearchy and otherwise
- Casting within an inheritance hierarchy and using
the instanceof operator
- Implementing a program that employs inheritance
- Inheritance design exercise
Mar 22 - 28
- Open tutorial: TA's will be available for help
but no new material will be taught
Mar 29 - April 4
- Discussion of requirements for A4
- GUI examples: JFrame,
JPanel, JButton, JLabel
- Listeners: ActionListener
interface (creating a separate listener class and making the
container JFrame the listener)
- Layout managers:
GridBagLayout, GridBagConstraints
- Using graphic
to enhance GUI components
- ASCII codes, casting
to (char)
- Tutorial exercise:
debugging GUI code
April 5 - 11
- Discussion of requirements for A5
- Detecting empty string input
- Linked lists
- Recursion
April 12 - 15
- Open tutorial: TA's will be available for help
but no new material will be taught unless material was missed from
next week