Course web page: Introduction to Computer Science for non-majors II James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 219: Midterm #2 Information




Review material:


Front cover from the actual exam (so make sure you look at this beforehand...important so make sure you read them beforehand!):

(Flip side of cover - top of page showing where you write your student ID number): DON'T FORGET THIS ON THE EXAM


Exam topics:

The exam is cumulative (e.g., you cannot simply 'forget' about earlier topics such as branching and loops but the focus on the second midterm will be on subsequent content).

Lecture topics covered so far

Approximate proportion of exam1

Introduction to Object-Oriented programming ~5%
Advanced Java (heavy focus on this section) 67
Hierarchies (up to and including the material covered in lecture on Wednesday March 11) 25
Miscellaneous (questions that don't neatly fall into one of the above categories e.g., covers material from multiple sections) ~4%


Exam questions1

Multiple choice questions 22 marks

  22 questions

Short answer questions  26 marks

  SA1: Coding writing (8 marks)
  SA2: Miscellaneous, neither completely a code trace nor code writing (7 marks)
  SA3: Code tracing (11 marks)

1 It's based on a near-final version of the midterm (exact proportions may vary *slightly*)