Topics covered
Jan 11 - 17
No tutorials |
Jan 18 - 24
Jan 25 - 31
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday): Basic spreadsheet
- Excel ribbon, commonly used tabs
- Formatting data
- Completing a series: auto-fill and fast-fill
- Formulas: user-defined and some pre-created
- Order of operation
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): Advanced
features of Excel
- If
- Using Logical operators
in conjunction with
- Conditional formatting
- Absolute vs. relative addressing
- Inserting graphs and charts
Feb 1 - 7
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday): Advanced features of
- Pivot tables
- Multi-threading mode in Excel
- Visualizing data effectively in Excel
- Final points about A1 marking
- Overview of A2 requirements
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): Basic
introduction into databases
- Overview of databases and MS-Access
- Design view and planning out the design of a
- Creating graphical forms
Feb 8 - 14
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Relationships between databases: multiplicity
- ERD diagrams
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): Database
- Single and multiple table queries
- Logical operators and queries:
- Contradictions and empty
- Using the wildcard in
A1: Due
Monday February
Feb 15 - 21
Reading Week, no classes
(Catch up material for MS-Word). It's assumed that
everyone has worked with the very basic features of word processors such
as MS-Word. After Reading Week the TA's will go over some of the more
'advanced' features of Word which some of you may not be familiar with
partly so you can learn some useful features but also because it will be
quite helpful to know the existing features of Word well before trying
to write programs to augment these features.
If you don't feel like you are already an expert using
Word or even if you wish to review some features here are some help
tutorials provided by Microsoft which you can work through over Reading
Very basic features
More advanced features
Feb 22 - 28
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Catch up on the queries not covered before
Reading Week e.g., ordering queries, using the wild card
- Normalizing the database to first, second and
third normal form
- Creating graphical reports for MS-Access queries
- (Likely the above topics won't take up the entire
tutorial time, the remainder of the tutorial is an "open tutorial":
the TA's will be available to answer questions during the tutorial
but no new material will be taught i.e., it's extra CT help time).
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday): Advanced
features of MS-Word
- Linking documents between different MS-Office
applications (e.g., Excel and Word)
- Find and replace: case sensitive and employing a
- Change tracking
- Using, creating and modifying styles
- Citations, bibliographies, footnotes, figure
captions, table of figures
- Master and sub-documents
A2: Due Friday February 27 |
Mar 1 - 7
- Discussion of A3 requirements
- Review of the features of the Visual Basic
Editor: creating and running programs
- Displaying output with the
MsgBox and title bar
- Variables and constants
- Mathematical expressions
- Documenting programs
- Find/replace
Mar 8 - 14
- Describing what is allowed in terms of acceptable
collaboration vs. academic misconduct: [Online
reference link]
- VBA branching/making decisions: if-then, if-then-else, nested branches,
if, else-if, using logical operators (AND, OR) in conjunction with
- VBA repetition/loops: do-while loops, for
- VBA tables: counting(), sorting()
- VBA strings: how they store character
information, length via the len() function, using the left() and
right() functions, checking if strings contain numeric data.
Mar 15 - 21
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- "Open tutorial": the Teaching assistants will be
available to answer questions during the entire session but no new
material will be taught.
- It's a question and answer session that in effect
acts like an extra CT help time.
- You can go to any tutorial for help: You don't
have to go to the tutorial that you registered, any 203 TA should be
able to help you.
A3: Due Friday March 20
Mar 22 - 28
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Open tutorial": the Teaching assistants will be
available to answer questions during the entire session but no new
material will be taught.
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- Introduction: creating a University of Calgary
web pages
- HTML and formatting 'tags'
- Linking to images, videos, other web pages
Mar 29 - April 4
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Advanced html: creating graphical controls:
boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, buttons, password
- Linking to documents in sub-folders
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- Defining a JavaScript function
- Tying JavaScript instructions to GUI 'events'
such as button presses
- Documenting programs
- Differentiating graphical controls with the 'id'
- Creating variables
- Displaying output with an "alert()"
April 5 - 11
- JavaScript: branching and loops
April 12 - 15
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: "Open tutorial": the Teaching assistants will be
available to answer questions during the entire session but no new
material will be taught.
A4: Due Wednesday April 15