- Word search and replace:
The user is prompted for the word to search for and the word to
replace it with. The program will then search for and replace
all instances. If the search word does not exist in the document
then nothing will happen.
- Style search and replace: The program will search
and replace for all instances of the style "Heading
1" with "Normal"
- Alphabetically sort table the contents of a table
in ascending order ('a' to 'z'): you will get credit for
implementing one of the following versions of this feature. In
both cases the program only has to sort the contents within
each table but not between tables (e.g., the first entry of
the second table can come alphabetically before the last entry
of the first table).
- Basic version: Your program is written so it can sort a
fixed number of tables only e.g., my sample document only
contains two tables: 'martial arts' and 'video games'.
- Advanced version: Your program can sort a document with any
number of tables. If there are no tables in a document then the
program should display some sort of meaningful error message to
the user.
- Run a spell check of the document.
- Print the document (you won't actually be able to print
anything in the 203 labs because there are no printers connected
to the computers) but your program should be able to invoke the
print command using VBA.
- Save the document (your program doesn't have to check if any
changes were actually made to the document it just has to allow
the user the option of saving the document).
- Close the document.
In addition being marked on the above features it will also be
marked according to how well it conforms to the style and documentation
requirements taught in lecture. If you want to what the sample documents
appears like after the macros have been run this is the "after
version of the document" (macros removed of course).