Week No.
Topics to be covered (example programs provided by
the course instructor can be found in UNIX under:
Sept 7 - 13
No tutorials
this week
Sept 14 - 20
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday):
- Introduction to the
CPSC network
- Lab tours (your TA
will be the tour guide for today!)
- Text editor on
UNIX: Emacs
- Overview of the
file system
Second tutorial (Wednesday, Thursday):
- Exercise: using UNIX
commands and 'script' program
Sept 21 - 27
- Formatting output: format specifiers and escape codes
- Variables and constants
- Naming conventions
- Mathematical operators, order of operation
- Common errors
- Python 'types', conversion functions
- Getting user input
- Working from home using SSH
Sept 28 - Oct 4
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday):
- Programming
- Backups and program
- Programming errors:
syntax, runtime, logic
- Overview of the
file system
Second tutorial (Wednesday, Thursday):
- Branching/decisions (if, if-else)
- Booleans
- Generating random numbers
Oct 5 - 11
- Logical operators and branching
- Multiple if's
- If, elif, Else
- Nested branches
- Example logic errors (branches)
- Looping: while
Oct 12 - 18
Monday October 13: Thanksgiving holiday, no tutorial on Monday
or Tuesday of this week Second tutorial (Wednesday, Thursday)
- Equivalence between loop types ('for'
and 'while')
- Loop increments
- Error checking using loops
- Nested loops
- Practical example problems solved using loops: RPG
random character using loops
Oct 19 - 25
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday):
- This assignment is significantly more complex than
the previous two so it's highly recommended that you attend this
Second tutorial (Wednesday,
- Debugging tips
- Programs that work with ASCII
- Command line arguments
- Application of more complex sentinel-controlled loop
(reading to the end of file with redirected input)
Oct 26 - Nov 1
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday):
- Review of course policies regarding collaboration vs.
misconduct for assignments
- Functions (local variables, parameter passing, return
values, writing Boolean functions).
Second tutorial (Wednesday,
- Strings (operations, common methods)
Nov 2 - 8
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday):
- Open tutorial": TA will be available during the whole
class for help with A3 and to answer questions but no new material will
be taught (extra CT time for any 231 student to come for help) [List
of all CPSC 231 tutorials]
Second tutorial (Wednesday,
- "Open tutorial": TA will be available during the
whole class for help with A3 and to answer questions but no new material
will be taught (extra CT time for any 231 student to come for help)
[List of all CPSC 231 tutorials]
Nov 9 - 15
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday):
- Reading days: no lecture, tutorial or CT
Second tutorial (Wednesday,
- 1D lists
- Passing lists as function parameters (although
covered in lecture these concepts are challenging for most students so
it's recommended that all students attend this tutorial as well)
- Discussion of requirements for A4
Nov 16 - 22
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday):
- 2D lists, more advanced list features, problem solving
with lists
- File input and output
Second tutorial (Wednesday,
- "Open tutorial": TA will be available during the
whole class for help with A4 and to answer questions but no new material
will be taught (extra CT time for any 231 student to come for help)
Nov 23 - 29
- Classes and objects
- Defining code in modules
Nov 30 - Dec 6
First tutorial (Monday, Tuesday):
Second tutorial (Wednesday,
- "Open tutorial": TA will be available during the
whole class for help with A5 and to answer questions but no new material
will be taught (extra CT time for any 231 student to come for help)