Your score |
Max score |
Coding style (marks may be awarded independent of program
Appropriate use of white space (source
code) |
2 |
Self-documenting variable and constant
names (clear, self explanatory) |
3 |
Use of named constants as appropriate |
1 |
Boolean and mathematical expressions are
simple and easy to read |
4 |
Sub total for style
Documentation (marks may be awarded independent of program
Header documentation: includes name and
student ID |
1 |
Header documentation: contains overall
description of program. |
1 |
Header documentation: demonstrates some
form of versioning system employed (date or version #) |
1 |
Header documentation: Provides a list of
the specific program features that were implemented |
1 |
Header documentation: Lists the program
limitations |
1 |
In line documentation used for blocks of
code (a looping and/or branching construct is a block) |
3 |
Sub total for documentation
Functionality (only qualify for these marks if the program runs)
Starting money correct and program runs
for exactly ten years |
2 |
Implements a menu to allow the user to
choose between the three investment products (display menu, get input,
branches depending on option selected) |
3 |
Menu repeats as long as the user doesn't
select one of the three products |
3 |
Investment "Product I" can be chosen,
determines changes during a year (loss, gain, no change: 2 marks for
each case): correct amount calculated and displayed |
6 |
Investment "Product II" can be chosen,
determines changes during a year (loss, gain, no change: 2 marks for
each case): correct amount calculated and displayed |
6 |
Investment "Product III" can be chosen,
determines yearly gains: correct amount calculated and displayed |
2 |
At the end of each year: the 5 required
pieces of information displayed in the correct format (the amounts
displayed are somehow based on the original amount invested) |
5 |
The start balance of each year
(after the first) is the end balance of the previous year |
1 |
End of simulation numbers displayed in the
correct format (the amounts displayed are somehow based on the original
amount invested) |
5 |
Sub total |
33 |
Grade Point for assignment