Week No.
Days |
Topics to be covered: examples can be found in the course
directory (/home/231/examples/tutorials) or via this web page [link]
1 |
September 9 - 15 |
No tutorials this week
September 16 - 22 |
- Lab tours
- Brief introduction to using the Linux lab computers: common
operating system operations, opening a command line/common UNIX
commands, using an editor.
- Creating and running Python programs (input, output, common
- Quiz #1 (end of tutorial Wednesday or Thursday)
September 23 - 29 |
- Syntax and runtime errors
- Program documentation
- Using SSH to work from home (terminal and file transfer programs)
- Formatting output with placeholders and escape codes
- Assignment submission requirements
- Quiz #2 (end of tutorial Wednesday or Thursday)
September 30 - October 6 |
- Problem solving simple-moderate level problems
- Discussion of A2
- The interactive mode of Python
- Debugging tips
- Logic and relational operators
- Simple branches
October 7 - 13 |
Monday October 8: Thanksgiving Day Holiday, no classes. (No tutorials will
be held on Tuesday October 9)
- Advanced branches
- Simple counting loops (for and while)
- Quiz #3 (end of tutorial Wednesday or Thursday)
October 14 - 20 |
- For and while loops
- Debugging programs that employ loops
- Nested loops
- Making programs more robust: error prevention loops
October 21 - 27 |
- Discussion of A3
- Introduction to functions: definition, call, parameter passing,
local variables, default parameters, return values.
- Functions and program style
- Quiz #4 (end of tutorial Wednesday or Thursday)
8 |
October 28 - November 3 |
- Scope
- Pre and post conditions
- Boolean functions
- Introduction to strings
- Quiz #5 (end of tutorial Wednesday or Thursday)
9 |
November 4 - 10 |
- Select portions of the midterm exam
- List basics
- List operations
- Passing list parameters
- More complex lists: 2D, lists containing composite types as elements
- Tuples
- Dictionaries
10 |
November 11 - 17 |
Monday November 12, Tuesday November 13: no classes
- Random numbers: fixed seed
- Advanced list example: an adventure game
- Quiz #6 (end of tutorial Wednesday or Thursday)
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November 18 - 24 |
First tutorials during the week: Monday & Tuesday
- Files, exceptions, a more complex application of files, exceptions
and lists.
Second tutorials during the week: Wednesday & Thursday
- Open tutorial: TA’s will be available during the
tutorial time in the tutorial room to answer questions but no new
material will be taught (i.e., it’s like an extra CT time).
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November 25 - December 1 |
- Class and objects
- Modules
- List of objects
- TopHat tracing questions
- Simple GUI example
- Quiz #7 (end of tutorial Wednesday or Thursday): classes and objects
13 |
December 2 - 8 |
First tutorials during the week: Monday & Tuesday
- More on classes
- Recursive examples
Second tutorials during the week: Wednesday & Thursday
- Open tutorial: TA’s will be available during the
tutorial time in the tutorial room to answer questions but no new
material will be taught (i.e., it’s like an extra CT time).