CPSC 231: Final exam Information
- The final exam is scheduled by the Office of the Registrar so you should
check online for date/location [PeopleSoft]
Review material:
Front cover from the actual exam (so make sure you look at this
Material that you should study
- The lecture material: the PowerPoint slides will provide you with an
outline of the topics to be covered. However studying the information just
listed on the slides won't be sufficient to do well on the final exam. You
will also need to take notes in class and to study and understand those
notes. If you have any questions then make sure that you ask me for help and
- The text book: they should be used as another source of material to help
you understand the material as you prepare for the exam. I won't however
directly examine you on material that is listed in the textbooks that I
didn't cover in class.
- Lab exercises and the lab handouts: I won't be directly examining you on
this material (unless it overlaps with the lecture material).
Exam questions1
Multiple choice questions 22 marks
22 questions x 1 mark each |
Short answer questions 4 written questions worth 35 marks
Code writing: 3 questions |
Code tracing: 1 question |
1 Based on a near-final version of the final exam (exact proportions may
vary *slightly*)
Exam topics
The final will be cumulative but with an emphasis on topics covered
subsequent to the midterm: functions (it was barely covered on the midterm),
composites, files/exceptions, classes, recursion, history and the introduction
to computer science. The last two topics in this list will be of smaller weight
than the other topics.