Your score |
Max score |
Coding style (marks independent of program functionality)
- Appropriate use of white space (source code)
2 |
- Self-documenting variable and constant names.
3 |
- Use of named constants as appropriate
1 |
- Boolean and mathematical expressions are simple and easy to read
3 |
- Minimum of 3 functions employed
3 |
- Each function implements one well defined task
4 |
- Functions don't exceed one screen size in length ~20 - 30 lines
2 |
- Global variables employed (unless otherwise allowed in the
-4 |
Sub total
Documentation (marks independent of program functionality)
- Header documentation includes name and tutorial section
1 |
- Header documentation contains description of program.
1 |
- Some form of versioning system is demonstrated in the header
1 |
- Each function is documented (similar to documentation for the
entire program but applies only to that function)
3 |
Sub total
Functionality (only qualify for these marks if the program runs)
- List (simulation world) is properly initialized
2 |
- World is displayed (1 mark if displayed without bounding lines
or column labels)
5 |
- Simulation runs until user quits
2 |
1 |
- Main menu displayed (options can be non-functional to get credit
for this item)
1 |
- Program can detect erroneous input and react appropriately
2 |
- Program can determine that the race has ended and react
2 |
4 |
- Walking speed implemented
2 |
- Jogging speed implemented
2 |
- Running speed implemented
4 |
4 |
2 |
- Can save simulation (must save in a format that the
program can 'load' again - this feature requires that the load feature
be implemented first)
4 |
- Properly tracks energy levels and the effects on allowable
running speeds (all running speeds must be working first to get full
4 |
- Exceptions are used to deal with IOErrors
2 |
- Deterministic mode implemented
3 |
Sub total |
46 |