Your score |
Max score |
Coding style (marks independent of program functionality) |
- Appropriate use of white space (source code)
2 |
- Self-documenting variable and constant names.
3 |
- Use of named constants as appropriate
1 |
- Boolean and mathematical expressions are simple and easy to read
3 |
- Minimum of 3 functions employed
3 |
- Each function implements one well defined task
4 |
- Functions don't exceed one screen size in length ~20 - 30 lines
2 |
- Global variables employed
-4 |
Sub total |
18 |
Documentation (marks independent of program functionality) |
- Header documentation includes name and tutorial section
1 |
- Header documentation contains description of program.
1 |
- Some form of versioning system is demonstrated in the header
1 |
- Each function is documented (similar to documentation for the entire
program but applies only to that function)
3 |
Sub total |
6 |
Functionality (only qualify for these marks if the program
runs) |
Prompts for expression |
1 |
Displays the original expression at same time as displaying the result |
1 |
Displays a result based that's somehow based on the expression (not
hard-coded) |
2 |
Can correctly calculate result for 2 operands, 1 operations (all four) |
6 |
Can correctly calculate result for 3 operands, 2 operations (all four) |
4 |
Can correctly determine the order of operation (only applicable if program
can handle 2 operators) |
4 |
Can properly handle real number input and can detect erroneous real input |
4 |
Clear and helpful error messages/prevention |
2 |
Determines if operator is valid |
2 |
Can handle leading/trailing white space |
2 |
Sub total |
28 |
52 |