You can find the source code for some the programming examples
(written by James Tam) to be covered in
tutorial in UNIX in the directory: /home/233/tutorial. You can ask your TA for
information regarding the examples that they have written for tutorial.
Week No.
Days |
Topics to be covered
Jan 9 – 15 |
Jan 16 – 22 |
- Discussion of A1
- Number conversions: binary to/from decimal
- Twos complement conversions
- Subtraction using the negate and add technique
- Introduction to creating programs in Java: input/output, branches,
- Working from home using SSH
Jan 23 - 29 |
- Getting input via the Scanner class
- Bitwise operators
- Operator precedence
- Casting
- Looking up information via the Java API
- Creating your first Object-Oriented program in Java
- UML class diagrams
- Discussion of A2
Jan 30 – Feb
5 |
- Converting non Object-Oriented programs to an Object-Oriented
- Information hiding
- Testing
- Scope and the 'this' reference
- Multiplicity
- Relationships between classes: association
Feb 6 - 12 |
- Design exercise: finding the classes, attributes and methods from
the requirements.
- Runtime and the finalize method
- Discussion of A3
- Arrays of references to objects
Feb 13 – 19 |
- Coverage of 3 miscellaneous utility programs to help you with
Assignment 3.
- Coverage of an additional linked list example
- (If there is any additional time left over in the second tutorial it
will be an open tutorial where you can work on your assignment and the
TA will remain available to help and answer questions).
7 |
Feb 20 - 26 |
Reading week: no classes will be held
8 |
Feb 27 – Mar
5 |
- Formatting the display of an array using a bounded, numbered grid
- Generating random numbers
- References
- The 'static' keyword
9 |
Mar 6 - 12 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday)
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday)
- Open tutorial: TA's will be in the lab and available for help and to
answer questions during tutorial time but no new material will be
10 |
Mar 13 – 19 |
- Inheritance: syntax, super(), casting, method overriding,
- Implements: interfaces as a design tool
- UML: representing inheritance and implements relationship
11 |
Mar 20 – 26 |
- Design exercise: incorporating inheritance
- Solutions to selected portions of the midterm
12 |
Mar 27 –
April 2 |
- Open tutorial this week : TA's will be in the lab and available for help and to
answer questions during tutorial time but no new material will be
13 |
April 3 –
April 9 |
- Discussion of A6
- Creating graphical user interfaces
- File input and output
14 |
April 10 –
16 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday)
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday)
- Open tutorial: TA's will be in the lab and available for help and to
answer questions during tutorial time but no new material will be