Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computer Science I by James Tam Return to the course web page

Tutorial exercises (10% of the term grade)

This portion of the course will involve writing computer programs that are substantially smaller than the assignments. There will be a maximum of 7 tutorial exercises starting the week of September 19 (second week of the term). You will be given the description for the exercise on Friday a week before it's due and you have until the second tutorial (in the same corresponding week) to demonstrate to your TA that you have a working program. For example, with the first tutorial exercise due the week of Friday September 24 you will get the tutorial exercise by Friday September 17. Each assignment will be graded on a pass (1 mark)/ fail (0 marks) basis. The marks for the tutorial exercises will be summed up at the end of the term and converted to the following letter grades:

5 - 7 marks 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks Less than 2 marks

Note: if there is insufficient time in the second tutorial to demo your exercise to your TA by the end of the second tutorial then the absolute cutoff will be the last CT (Continuous lab tutorial that week - you can demo to any 231 TA who will then pass your grade along to your TA). You SHOULD NOT wait until the last few hours of CT to do the demo however as it may (or may not) be extremely busy that day. If it turns out that there was not enough time to complete your demo before the last CT of the week then you will receive a zero for that tutorial exercise. [Link to the CT schedule]

After the demo email the program to your TA (and the person working in the CT if you demoed to a different TA) with the following subject line "Tutorial exercise #" where # = indicates which tutorial exercise that you are mailing in. In the body of the email make sure you include enough identifying information so your TA knows who you are: Tutorial number and your full name.

For a list of due dates for the tutorial exercises see the [tutorial schedule].