Return to course web page: [James Tam] | Return to course web page: [Nathaly Verwaal] |
Item |
Marks |
The user is prompted for their birth year | 0.5 |
The user is prompted for their birth month | 0.5 |
The user is prompted for their birth day | 0.5 |
The user is prompted for their birth hour | 0.5 |
The user is prompted for their birth minute | 0.5 |
The user is prompted for their birth second | 0.5 |
A date in the format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss is displayed (date is somehow based on user input) | 3 |
The date displayed is a valid date. (e.g., 2001/22/51 01:34:78 is not a valid date)1 | 3 |
The date displayed is 1 billion seconds after date entered | 5 |
1 The program does not need to check for valid input. Instead what it needs to do is to ensure that the calculations which determine the day/time that the user turns 1 billion seconds produces valid values.
Item |
Marks |
Appropriate use of white space (program code in the dot-py file) | 2 |
Good naming conventions used for variables | 3 |
Header documentation (top of program): Includes contact information (name, tutorial) | 3 |
In line documentation (imbedded with program statements): explains specific parts of the program | 3 |