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CPSC 231: Assignment 1 (Marking Key)

Functional requirements (will only be awarded if the feature can be verified by running the program)



The user is prompted for their birth year 0.5
The user is prompted for their birth month 0.5
The user is prompted for their birth day 0.5
The user is prompted for their birth hour 0.5
The user is prompted for their birth minute 0.5
The user is prompted for their birth second 0.5
A date in the format yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss is displayed (date is somehow based on user input) 3
The date displayed is a valid date. (e.g., 2001/22/51 01:34:78 is not a valid date)1 3
The date displayed is 1 billion seconds after date entered 5

1 The program does not need to check for valid input. Instead what it needs to do is to ensure that the calculations which determine the day/time that the user turns 1 billion seconds produces valid values.

Style and documentation (can be granted independently of marks granted for functional requirements)



Appropriate use of white space (program code in the dot-py file) 2
Good naming conventions used for variables 3
Header documentation (top of program): Includes contact information (name, tutorial) 3
In line documentation (imbedded with program statements): explains specific parts of the program 3