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CPSC 231: Assignment 1

Due Date: 4 pm Friday October 07, 2011


Create an application that asks the user for their complete birth date, down to the second, and computes when the user will be 1 billion (1,000,000,000) seconds old. The result should be displayed to the user.

Request input using the console. Ask for the year, month, day, hour, minute and second. (The user should be asked to enter an integer value for each of these properties of their birth date.)

To keep things simple, assume that each of the 12 months has exactly 30 days and that there are no leap years.

Display the result to the user in the console. Display the date when the user turns 1 billion seconds in the following format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss

Collaboration, Plagiarism and Cheating

This is an individual assignment and all work that you submit must be your own work. You are encouraged to discuss this assignment with other students in the course, but do not share code, do not ask other students to look at the code you have created for the assignment, nor look at the code that other students have created for the assignment. When you discuss your work or problems you encounter, make sure you do not take code, pseudo code or other written work.

If you are struggling to complete your assignment and you need additional help, consider one of the following options:

Continuous Tutorials (CT). There are CT hours devoted just to CPSC 231 with Teaching Assistants (TAs) that are familiar with Python and the assignments in the course. There is also general CT. The TAs at general CT should be able to help you debug your code but may not be able to provide as much help with understanding the assignment requirements. Note that TAs at general CT will need a bit of time to understand what you are trying to accomplish before they can find the problem in your code since they are not familiar with your assignment.

Instructor. You can find your instructor's office hours on the Course Outline. You may also request an appointment via e-mail.

* If you wish to use any other sources to help you complete your assignment, you must first ask permission from the instructor.

Tutorials. The week an assignment is due, most of the tutorials are set aside to work on your assignment and your TA will be there to help with any problems you encounter

Any student found copying all or part of an assignment from another student or some other source (unless this has been explicitly permitted) will be reported to the Dean, who will enforce penalties which may include failing the course and expulsion from the faculty and university. (See Plagiarism/Cheating/Other Academic Misconduct in the university calendar or the university website on plagiarism for more information.)

We may use automated procedures that compare electronic documents to detect copied assignments.