You can find the source code for the programming examples to be covered in
tutorial in UNIX in the directory: /home/231/tutorials
Week No.
Days |
Topics to be covered
Jan 9 – 15 |
Jan 16 – 22 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Discussion of A1
- Creating, compiling and running a simple program
- Format specifiers
- Escape sequences
- Formatting output
- Getting input
- Branching
- Loops
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- (First half): using Emacs, working on assignments at home.
- (Second half): write Quiz #1
Jan 23 - 29 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- 1D array (int, float) and strings (char) operations
- Structs: declaration, creating an instance, accessing and changing
- Conversions: decimal to/from binary
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- (First half): Negative numbers representing using twos compliment,
bitwise operations
- (Second half): write Quiz #2
Jan 30 – Feb
5 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Pointers
- Functions (defining and calling functions, parameter passing
mechanisms (value vs. reference), function return values
- File input and output (if there is time)
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- (First half): File input and output
- (Second half): write Quiz #3
Feb 6 - 12 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Open tutorial: TA will be available for help but no new material
will be taught.
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday):
- Discussion of A1: common pitfalls
- Discussion of requirements for A2
- Creating Java programs
- Input and output
- Branching and loops as necessary
Feb 13 – 19 |
- Discussion of requirements for A3
- Setting up a program using multiple class: Driver class and another
- Classes vs. references vs. objects
- Parameter passing
- Accessor and mutator methods
- UML class diagrams
7 |
Feb 20 - 26 |
8 |
Feb 27 – Mar
5 |
- Converting non-Object-Oriented programs into an equivalent
Object-Oriented version.
- Testing
- Information hiding
- Method overloading
- Local variables vs. attributes
- The 'this' reference
- Multiplicity/relationships between classes, UML representations of
9 |
Mar 6 - 12 |
- Discussion of requirements for A4
- Arrays of references to objects
- Coverage of utility programs associated with A4: String comparisons,
debug mode.
10 |
Mar 13 – 19 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Object-Oriented design exercise
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday)
- Open tutorial: TA will be available for help but no new material
will be taught.
11 |
Mar 20 – 26 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday):
- Object-Oriented exercise (Redux): incorporating inheritance
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday)
- Open tutorial: TA will be available for help but no new material
will be taught.
12 |
Mar 27 –
April 2 |
- Recursive example: finding the exit from a maze
- Displaying a numbered grid
- Hierarchies: inheritance, super, interfaces,
overriding/polymorphism, casting instanceof operator
13 |
April 3 –
April 9 |
- Discussion of A7
- Creating graphical user interfaces
14 |
April 10 –
16 |
First tutorial (Monday or Tuesday)
Second tutorial (Wednesday or Thursday)
- Open tutorial: TA will be available for help but no new material
will be taught.