Lecture notes for Computer Science I by James Tam | Return to the course web page |
Score | Letter |
A | 55 - 56 |
A- | 52 - 54 |
B+ | 49 - 51 |
B | 46 - 48 |
B- | 43 - 45 |
C+ | 39 - 42 |
C | 35 - 38 |
C- | 31 - 34 |
D+ | 26 - 30 |
D | 21 - 25 |
D- | 11 - 20 |
F | 0 - 10 |
Note: Under extraordinary circumstances a grade of "A+" (4.3 GPA) may be awarded for this assignment (see below).
Item |
Grade |
Effect on grade |
Insufficient or missing contact information in the body of the email | Maximum of 2 marks lost1 | ||
Incorrect or missing information in the subject line of the email | Maximum of 4 marks lost1 | ||
README file provides in a clear and correct list of the features that were implemented | 3 marks | ||
TOTAL | 3 marks max | ||
1 (Getting any marks for the assignment assumes of course that we can still figure out who you are) | |||
Actual mark |
Max |
Naming conventions | 1 | ||
Appropriate use of named constants | 1 | ||
Layout and appearance of the source code (Python program) | 1 | ||
Functions have a single well-defined task (6 = all, 4 = most, 2 = some, 0 = no functions) | 6 | ||
TOTAL | 9 | ||
Actual mark |
Max |
Program versioning employed | 1 | ||
Clear and correct list of program features inside program | 1 | ||
Description of the program limitations | 1 | ||
Each function is properly documented (3 = all, 2 = most, 1 = some, 0 = none) | 3 | ||
There is some synopsis that provides overall documentation for the entire program | 2 | ||
TOTAL | 8 | ||
Feature |
Actual mark |
Max |
Properly displays the trench | 1 | ||
The display of the trench is annotated with horizontal and vertical numbers | 2 | ||
Displays the main menu and gets the players selection | 1 | ||
Can quit the game | 1 | ||
Can access the cheat menu from main menu, the cheat menu can get the player's selection | 2 | ||
The player can quit the cheat menu (and go back to the main menu) | 1 | ||
The game runs until: the game is lost, the game has been won or the player quits | 1 | ||
'f' option in the main menu implemented (fly straight ahead) | 2 | ||
'r' option in the main menu implemented (fly up) | 2 | ||
'v' option in the main menu implemented (fly down) | 2 | ||
The player can cheat and move the ship to any (row, column), only 2 marks awarded if it moves the ship but doesn't allow the player to quit out of this option by entering a negative value. | 3 | ||
The player can toggle debugging messages on and off | 2 | ||
The tie-fighter randomly moves to an adjacent square | 4 | ||
The game can be won | 2 | ||
The game can be lost when Luke's ship is destroyed | 2 | ||
The game can be lost when Luke's ship overflies the vent | 2 | ||
Ships can collide with walls (2 marks if the residue is not handled properly) | 3 | ||
Ships can collided with each other (2 marks if the residue is not handled properly) | 3 | ||
TOTAL | 36 |
Special case: The program has been awarded full marks for style and documentation, submission requirements properly fulfilled and the game allows for multiple tie-fighters (which can also collide with each other) A+ grade.