Lecture notes for the Introduction to multidisciplinary Computer Science II by James Tam | Return to the course web page |
Score | Letter |
A | 52 - 53 |
A- | 49 - 51 |
B+ | 46 - 48 |
B | 43 - 45 |
B- | 40 - 42 |
C+ | 37 - 39 |
C | 34 - 36 |
C- | 31 - 33 |
D+ | 26 - 30 |
D | 21 - 25 |
D- | 11 - 20 |
F | 0 - 10 |
Item |
Effect on grade |
Insufficient or missing contact information in the body of the email | Maximum of 2 marks lost1 |
Incorrect or missing information in the subject line of the email | Maximum of 4 marks lost1 |
1 (Getting any marks for the assignment assumes of course that we can still figure out who you are) |
Actual mark |
Max |
Program versioning employed | 1 | ||
Each method has been properly documented | 4 | ||
Each class has been properly documented | 4 | ||
Actual mark |
Max |
Naming conventions (e.g., variable names) | 2 | ||
Appearance and whitespace | 2 | ||
Consistency of formatting | 2 | ||
Followings principles of good interaction design (ease of use, reasonable error handling) | 2 | ||
Program is written using static functions (save main): Divide program functionality marks by 21 | |||
Program consists of only a single class: Divide program functionality marks by 21 | |||
Methods are implemented to handle one clearly defined task | 3 | ||
1 These two penalties are cumulative so if a program was written using only one class that was full of static methods then the student's program functionality mark would quartered.
Actual mark |
Max |
Driver (or equivalent) class | 1 | ||
Simon (or equivalent) class | 1 | ||
Container class extending class Frame | 1 | ||
Button listener class | 1 | ||
Window Listener class | 1 | ||
Actual mark |
Max |
Creates a rectangular frame with an appropriate title and black background | 2 | ||
The contain holds 4 buttons each with a different color | 4 | ||
Each button takes up slightly less than ¼ of the frame (see Figure 1) | 1 | ||
Two buttons are on one row, two buttons are on the second row | 1 | ||
A layout manager is used to layout the buttons as described in the previous step (as opposed to manually laying the controls out using (x, y) pixel coordinates | 1 | ||
Actual mark |
Max |
Window can close and shut down the game (half marks if signoff message in the title bar sis excluded or not time-delayed) | 2 | ||||
Lights up a random sequence of 4 buttons | 4 | ||||
The player can try to duplicate the random sequence of pressed buttons and the sequence entered by the player is stored | 4 | ||||
The game checks if the randomly generated sequence matches the one entered by the player (your marker must be shown that the check is correct e.g., a message is displayed to the standard output). | 4 | ||||
The game status is show in the title bar at the end of a tur: correct/game won or incorrect/game lost | 2 | ||||
The player can specify at the command line the length of the sequence (the number of buttons that will be lit up) | 2 | ||||
The program displays debugging messages to the standard output (toggling not required for this program) | 1 | ||||
SUBTOTAL | 19 | ||||
Bonus assignments: The program has been awarded full marks in all the above categories and the game can be played for an indefinite number of turns, grade: A+.