Lecture notes for the Introduction to problem solving with applications by James Tam Return to the course web page

Assignment submission requirements

General points to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure that you carefully read the assignment specifications for each assignment!   (This is a set of general guidelines for all assignments and each assignment may have a more specific set of things for you to do).
  2. All assignments are due at 1 PM on the due dates listed on the main course web page Late assignments or components of assignments will not be accepted for marking (grade = F) without approval beforehand.
  3. Extensions may be granted by the course instructor for reasonable cases (e.g., illness) with the receipt of the appropriate documentation (e.g., a doctor's note).  Tutorial instructors (TA's) will not be able to provide extension on their own and must receive permission from the course instructor first.  (Note: Forgetting to hand in your assignment or a component of your assignment - or handing in the wrong version does not constitute a sufficient reason for handing your assignment in late). In all other cases due dates will be strictly enforced, late assignments will not be accepted for grading (grade = F).
  4. Group submission are not allowed for this course, each student must individually submit an assignment that reflects their own work. Copying the work of another student is not allowed and may be construed as academic misconduct. Cases of academic misconduct will be referred to the Academic Affairs and penalties may result in expulsion from the university.

How to submit your assignment:

  1. Burn your assignment onto a CD or DVD (rewritable version is fine) - make sure that the process was successful and there were no errors. (After the file or files were copied onto disc open up all the relevant documents and check that the contents are all okay, this can also be a double check that you're including the correct version as well).
  2. Put your disc inside a jewel case (or at least wrap it up with tissue so it doesn't get scratched - especially important if you are using a rewritable disc).
  3. Put your jewel case (don't forgot the disc!) inside an envelope.
  4. Label the envelope:  This is the standard contact information required by your TA to match grades with students so excluding this information may result in your grade not being recorded properly (i.e., you received an "F" for the assignment because your TA didn't know who to assign the grade to).