Appendix 2: Generating a list of expected users, and an initial list of
The main idea is to interview knowledgeable people about their
real-world tasks and observe them doing their tasks. Your goal is to generate an
initial list of concrete task descriptions (see
Depending upon your situation, you may or may not be able to access your real
clients in the short amount of time available before tutorial presentations. Consequently, each team
should select the approach below that best fits their constraints and team
- The ideal: Interviewing the client. Get in touch with current or
potential users. These users may now be using manual paper methods, competing
systems, or antiquated systems for doing their tasks. Interview them about why
and how they do their work activities, and what they expect out of a system.
Ideally, this interview will occur while you are observing them do their work
activities. These interviews and observations will give you some contact with
actual users and give you a feel for the real situation. This is more important
than you think, for it will make you realize that ‘the user’ is not an
abstract notion, but real people with real needs and concerns. It will help
you put a face on the faceless, and will help you understand where they are
coming from. Note: even if one or more of your group members are members
of the user group make sure that you interview users that are not a
part of your group. It's simply too easy for someone who actually has to
complete the implementation to become too biased to give an honest appraisal
of how usable that the system may or may not be.
- A reasonable alternative: Interviewing the client representative.
When you cannot get in direct contact with end users, you can use customer
representatives instead. Except for the actual client, these people will have the most knowledge of the clients' needs. Examples are help
desk people, or a worker's manager. However, it is crucial that the client
representative has a deep and real (rather than idealized) understanding of
what the workers actually do. People who work "in the trenches" with the staff
are the best bet (e.g., restaurant manager also waits on tables from time to
- When all else fails: Making your beliefs of the task space explicit.
If you cannot get in touch with either real end users or representatives, use
your team members to articulate expected tasks. While this runs the risk of
producing tasks that bear no relation to reality, at least you will get a
diverse list of tasks out (because you have a diverse team), and will at least
provide a concrete description of who your are developing for and what they
plan to do . Note: If you don't have enough time to get in touch with
actual users in time for your tutorial presentation make sure that you get in touch
with actual users as soon as possible. (It should definitely occur
before you hand in your first assignment!)
For whatever approach you chose to employ, make sure that you complete the following steps. If you have a client
and/or representative, you would complete these steps with them. If you are "making it up", try
to imagine as realistic a situation as possible.
- Have the client/representative/team recount a few (3-4) stories that
typify the actual use of their system and/or process. Where possible, describe
the people, the particular problems they wanted to solve, what information
they brought into the meeting, the steps taken in the actual process, the
constraints they had (e.g., time), what was produced, and whether they were
satisfied with the outcome. All details are relevant so make sure that you are
thorough in your investigation. Alternatively, the task could be derived
from direct observation of users doing their work. Ideally they should
be based on a combination of both approaches.
- On a more general and a less detailed level, list as many related tasks and
their variations as possible.
- There will be many task variations in the list. Identify (with the user,
if possible) which tasks are frequent, which are infrequent but still
important, and which are rarer and not very important.
At this point, you will have a set of concrete, detailed examples of tasks
that people now perform, or would want to perform on your system. Each task
description should have the attributes described in the
Appendix 1 and the lecture.