CPSC 203: Introduction to computers  

James Tam

Programming Practice: Understanding variables (Solution to problem #3)

An additional temporary variable is needed to store the value of one of the variables. Remember that a variable can only store one value at a time. If you use only two variables then copying the value of one variable into the other will result in one value being lost.

Incorrect approach:

def start (num1, num2):

     print num1, num2

     num1 = num2        <== Problem: The original value stored in num1 is now lost

     num2 = num1        <== This merely copies the original value stored in num2 back into num2

     print num1, num2   <== This just displays the original value stored in num2 twice!


Correct approach:

def start (num1, num2):

     print num1, num2

     temp = num1              <== Stores the current value of num1 in temp

     num1 = num2              <== The value in num2 is stored in num1 (what was previously in num1 is now gone)

     num2 = temp               <== The previous value stored in num1 has been copied into temp which in turn is copied into num2

     print num1, num2