CPSC 481: Foundations of HCI

James Tam (instructor)

CPSC 481: Final exam information



Approximate breakdown of marks by topic



Approximate percentage of the exam

Small screen mobile devices   ~4%
Information visualization     44
The psychology of everyday things     18
Graphical screen design     17
Heuristics   ~16%

Sources of exam questions include the lecture notes, the assigned readings as well material that was covered in the lecture which is not available through any of the other sources.  The exam is cumulative so it is expected that you are familiar with the concepts and terminology from the first half of the class.  However the questions on the final will heavily emphasize the material that was covered subsequent to the midterm (at most you might have a written question dealing with material from the first half of the class - which is why in some semesters the rough percentage breakdowns don't quite add up to 100%). All questions will be written, because you have over twice the amount of time that you had for the midterm exam there is no longer any need to add multiple choice questions to increase the number of marks for the exam.


The role of the required readings with respect to the midterm