CPSC 231: Final exam information

General information:



Instructions for the multiple choice questions:

·   Make sure you fill in all your answers in the computerized bubble sheets and not in this exam.


Instructions for the short answer written questions:

Exam review

During the end of the last lecture I will conduct a brief exam review. 

Breakdown of the type of questions

Written questions   Approximate percentage of the exam
   Writing programs x 3   46%
  Tracing programs x 2   26%
  Conceptual questions x 2   17%
Multiple choice    
  10 questions   11%

Exam format

  • Most or all of the exam will consist of written questions (there may be a few multiple choice questions).
  • The exam will be cumulative will a heavy emphasis on the material subsequent to the midterm (except for modular design/problem decomposition).
  • Topics which are likely candidates for the larger written questions (worth more marks).
  1. Modular design/problem decomposition
  1. Homogeneous types (in Pascal it's implemented as an array)
  1. Storage (in this course it was done using files)
  1. Heterogeneous composite types (in Pascal it's implemented as a record)
  1. Pointers
  1. Dynamic linked lists
  • Topics which may be covered in the multiple questions or smaller (lower worth) written questions.
  1. Material covered before the midterm
  1. Recursion
  • Topics which you won't be examined on.
  1. Sorting
  1. The history of computers
  • Types of written questions that you may see on the exam
  1. Writing programs: typically such a question will have a partially implemented solution or problem description and you will be required to write a single function or procedure.  Or you may have to write a small but complete program.
  1. Tracing programs: given a program or fragment of a program you could be asked to indicate what the output of the program will be.
  1. Conceptual questions: could involve describing a concept or defining a term. It could be combined with one of the above types of questions too e.g., what is a bus error, why might the program below cause such an error to occur or write the code that may result in a bus error.