(* Created by Namrata Khemka as a supplement of Assignment 3 for CPSC 231*) (* This program will determine the amount of tax charged (based on a 7% rate) and the total dollar value to be paid by a customer for a given retail value. Also it will determine the amount of change that is owed to the custoemr. *) (* Program Header*) program shopping (input,output); (*Constant Declarations*) const GST = 1.07; begin (* Variable Declarations*) var retailPrice : real; var total : real; var amountPaid : real; var change : real; (*The amount of the item that is purchased by the customer*) write ('Enter the amount of the item that is purchased in CND $'); readln (retailPrice); (*Calculate the amount purchased with the GST*) total := GST * retailPrice; (*Print the total amount the user owes us including GST*) writeln('The total amount the customer owes us is $', total:0:2); (*Enter the amount the customer pays*) write('Enter the amount the customer has paid in CND $'); readln (amountPaid); change := amountPaid - total; writeln ("Change owed to the customer $", change:0:2); end.