(* ============================================================================== * File: BrokenExample1.p * Purpose: This program has no other use * but to the correction of basic syntax errors in a pascal program. * Author: Jordan Kidney ( kidney@cpsc.ucalgary.ca ) * Created on: Jan 31, 2006, minor modifications by James Tam Feb 3, 2006. ============================================================================== *) program (input,output); (* ========================== MAIN ============================================== *) begin var age : integer (* Read in the age of the user *) write('Please enter your age : '); readln(age); writeln('You entered: ',age); (* Now print out some extra information *) write('Result: ); if (age < 10) then writeln('You are very young.') else if (age < 20) then writeln('You are getting older.') else if (age > 20) then writeln('You are still getting older'); end. (* ============================================================================== *)