Effect on grade
Submission guidelines |
Missing contact information on printout |
-1 point |
Missing printout with source code |
-1 point |
Missing or incomplete README file |
-1 point |
Missing electronic submission |
Max grade receivable D- |
Missing or incorrect title in the subject line of email |
-2 points |
Style marks |
Inconsistent or highly unusual formatting
conventions |
-1 point for all cases (and not for each case) |
Insufficient or grossly excessive use of
whitespace |
-1 point for all cases |
Inadequate or grossly excessive documentation |
-1 point for all cases |
No documentation |
-3 points |
Program uses global variables |
-1 point for all cases |
Unnamed constants are employed when a named
constant could be employed |
-1 point for all cases |
Poor naming conventions for identifiers (e.g.,
variables and constants) |
-1 point for all cases |
Marks implementing the required modules |
displayIntroduction |
1 point |
getYear |
4 points |
belowMinYear |
2 points |
aboveMaxYear |
2 points |
generateZodiacAnimal |
6 points |
promptRerun |
4 points |
displayConclusion |
1 point |
Total points