Introduction to Computer Science I by James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 231: Assignment 4 (Marking)



Effect on grade

Submission guidelines


  Missing contact information on printout -1 point
  Missing printout with source code -1 point
  Missing or incomplete README file -1 point
  Missing electronic submission Max number of points receivable = 5
  Missing or incorrect title in the subject line of email -2 points
Style marks  
  Inconsistent or highly unusual formatting conventions -1 point for all cases (and not for each case)
  Insufficient or grossly excessive use of whitespace -1 point for all cases
  Inadequate or grossly excessive documentation -1 point for all cases
  No documentation -3 points
  Program uses global variables -1 point for all cases
  Unnamed constants are employed when a named constant could be employed -1 point for all cases
  Poor naming conventions for identifiers (e.g., variables and constants) -1 point for all cases
Marks for the base assignment

+12 points

Marks for the extra features  
  Checks that the year is greater than or equal to the lowest possible year +2 points
  Checks that the year is less than or equal to the highest possible year +2 points
  Determines the zodiac animal for any year between 1900 to 2007 +6 points maximum
  The program automatically reruns itself with a loop +2 points

Total points