CPSC 481: Foundations of HCI |
James Tam (instructor) |
Notes for Teaching Assistants — Lab 4
Assignment 2: Usability study:
Introduce this assignment
- Remind them of the schedule of dates and labs (see lab schedule)
- Give a brief discussion of assignment
- Go over handout
- What they are supposed to do
- What is in the write-up
Assignment 2: Usability assignment-introduction
- Stress that many usability problems can be fixed at little or no extra
costs in production
- Stress that usability studies are a cheap, effective way of discovering
design flaws
- For the assignment, briefly describe the system to be evaluated and its
purpose (you should try it out yourself)
- Mention that each group should use at least 2 - 4 test participants. The more the
- If all else fails and they have trouble finding another group tell them to
form a ''partner group'', two groups pair up and they each act as each
other's test participants (although this is far from the most optimal
Group preparation
- Each group selects an experimenter
- The experimenter will prepare the example tasks ahead of time (preferably
by discovering what real tasks are by interviewing system users)
- The experimenter will also prepare a short pre-test questionnaire that
solicits people's prior experience with computers and the chosen system (why
is this important?) and the user's expectations of their experience.
Similarly, the experimenter will prepare a post-test questionnaire. Make sure
that they justify their choice of questions i.e., that they think the results
will give them meaningful information.
- Give each test participant through pre-test questionnaire
- When all is ready, the experimenter will run the tests according to the
assignment spec:
- Silent observer:
- Participant 1
- The observer & participant not allowed to speak to each other
- The observer takes notes of participant's behavior, especially where breakdowns
- Think aloud
- Participant 2
- The participant is asked to talk aloud explain what they are doing/thinking
elaborate on problems/solutions
- The observer takes notes
- Constructive interaction/co-discovery learning
- With a new set of participants 3 & 4 (or reuse participants 1 & 2 on a more complex task)
- Both participants work together on task, with one being the system driver
- The observer again takes notes
- Administer the post-test questionnaire
- Interview the participant, using questions based on observations and
questionnaire results.
Go over the assignment sheet specs. Some added comments for different
sections are below.
- Perspective: Pretend that you are a product evaluation team for the
company that developed the system, and that you are looking for major flaws to
repair for a new version.
- Section 4: Interpretation system strengths & weaknesses
- Identify common and important problems & strengths
- Break them into categories
- They should be more than a checklist of all the problems seen but tell
them to focus on the major problems by combining little nit-picky problems
into a higher level symptom
- Try to generalize problems when necessary, although you can use examples
to highlight them
- The intent is to highlight what you think are the important observations
- Section 5: Suggested improvements
- Pick at least 5 important changes you would make
- Must be restricted to low-cost changes e.g., same hardware and interface
- Appendix 1: Comparison of different techniques
- Assume we know what the techniques are
- Summarize your experience with each technique comparison, ease of use,
information obtained, advantages, etc
- How would you do this if you were going to do it again? What would you
keep? Throw away?
- Appendix 2: Raw data
- This MUST be included not only so that students can show that they have
the ability to take good notes but also because it may be used to verify their
results (i.e., did what they say happened really happen).
Assignment 1 marking
- Students will likely have questions for you
- Tell students overall things you noticed when marking assignments
- What made write-ups excellent
- What made write-ups weak
- Where marks were typically lost
- While you should answer high-level questions about marking, defer picky
questions (e.g. actual grade) until the end of the formal lab
- I strongly suggest you ask students with complaints over their grading to
hand in their assignment with a note on it that says exactly where they
feel the grading was wrong, and exactly why they should be re-graded.
it's more likely that they will focus logically on specific issues over trying
to get extra marks out of you.
- Encourage groups to discuss their assignment 1 reports with you. This is
the best way to give feedback!
Assignment 2 expectations/grading
- Give out grading sheet
- Go over main differences (organization and final section)
- The length should be long enough to tell the story! But probably no shorter
than 8 pages, no longer than 20.
- Stress that the report should be oriented toward a busy manager, it must
be readable and that they must demonstrate superior analysis and communication
skills in over to get an above-average grade
- Refer to lab 3 notes for details of the write-up
System discussion
- Have people present their sample tasks, and why they thought they were
good (or bad) ones. In particular, did they explore a common thing that users
did in the system, or an arcane part of the system? Did the task really matter
that much?
- Have people discuss their general observations and anecdotal evidence of
what happened
- Try to elicit some problems of the system, at both the low level
(particular examples) and the high level (i.e., how to generalize low level
symptoms into higher level problems)
- Try to elicit design changes of the system that use the same technology
- If you have time, have them design a new interface to the system.