Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computer Science I by James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 231: Midterm information

General information:


Review material


Approximate breakdown of marks by section


Approximate percentage of the exam

Introduction to Computer Science


Introduction to computers


Non-decimal based number systems, number representations, logic


Programming: Introduction


Programming: Decision making


Programming: Loops


Miscellaneous e.g., Unix 3%


Exam instructions (from the actual exam)

  • Don’t panic!  Remember this is only an exam!
  • This is a closed book exam: No electronic devices (e.g., cell phones) or computational aids (e.g., calculators, laptops, hand-held computers, slide rulers) will be allowed.

  • Make sure that you fill in all your contact information on the computerized bubble sheet with an HB pencil or darker.

  • Mark your answers on the computerized bubble sheets and not in this exam (being sure to use an HB pencil or darker).

  • For each question make sure that you pick the best answer.
  • Unless otherwise stated assume that all programs and program fragments will compile.

  • After you are done, hand in the computerized bubble sheet at the front (again make sure that you have correctly filled in your contact information).  You may keep the question sheet.