Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computer Science I by James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 231: Final exam information

General information (date, time, location):


Review material


Approximate breakdown of marks by question type1


Approximate percentage of the exam

Code writing ~60% (4 short answer questions)
Code traces ~15%
Miscellaneous (e.g., conceptual questions, definitions, questions dealing solely with material from before the midterm) ~25%

Number of questions1

Multiple choice 20 questions
Short answer 6 questions

Topics that were covered after the midterm with a higher probability of constituting a major portion of the marks of a short answer question include: problem decomposition, arrays, records, file input and output, pointers and linked lists.  The other topics covered, before and after the midterm, may comprise only a portion of the marks for a particular short answer question or they may be included in the multiple section.

Exam instructions (from the actual exam so you should read these carefully)

General instructions:

Multiple choice questions:

·        Only use an HB (or darker) pencil.

·        Make sure that you fill in all your contact information.

·        Mark your answers on the computerized bubble sheets and not in this exam.

·        For each question make sure that you pick the best answer.

Short answer questions:

1 Although these values are based on a nearly final version of your exam there shouldn't be any major changes in the version that you will actually write.