Introduction to Computer Science I by James Tam Return to the course web page

CPSC 231: Assignment 6 (Worth 6%)

Due Tuesday March 22

New concepts to be applied in this assignment

  1. Two dimensional arrays

  2. Implementing a solution for a problem with a higher level of difficulty.


Professor John Robert Reuel Tolkien was a faculty member at the prestigious Oxford university.  He begin work on 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy shortly before 'The Hobbit' was published in 1937.  Although some have labeled his books as 'adult fairy tales' there are others who made note of the deeper metaphorical references that are used throughout his works.  Perhaps because of the rich use of metaphors in his trilogy, many continue to draw parallels between his books and actual events in history: The Wain riders are said to be patterned after the Mongol invaders of Europe, The "War of the ring" was supposedly influenced  by the events of the Second World War - although the latter two claims were vehemently denied by Tolkien.  It is a testament to his literary genius that people today not only continue to enjoy his work but continue to see deeper meanings.  

Assignment description

For this assignment you are to implement a two dimensional text-based  Lord of the Rings game.  The game will show an overhead view of the Middle Earth world:

Figure 1: A screenshot of 'Middle Earth: The Adventure Game"

To win the game the player, who controls the hobbit Frodo (represented as the 'H' near the upper left hand corner), needs to travel to forge of Mount Doom (represented as the 'D' near the lower right hand corner).  This is the only place where the Ring of Power, which is borne by Frodo, can be destroyed.  The other inhabitants of this world are controlled by the computer and will try to stop him in his quest and they include the evil orc (represented as the 'O') and the dreaded Nazgul (also known as the Ring Wraiths: represented as the 'N').  The player loses the game if the either the orcs or the Nazgul end are in a square that is adjacent to Frodo.  The mountain ranges of Middle Earth are represented by the 'M' character.  None of the characters (player or computer controlled) can enter a square that is occupied by a mountain.  All data about the world will be stored in a two-dimensional character array.

The game starts out by initializing the array to the default starting values and displaying onscreen a brief introductory message about the game.  After that the game will run on a turn based fashion until the user decides to quit (i.e., selects 'q' at the main menu) or if the lose or win game conditions have been met.   Each turn will be divided into a number of sub-turns:

  1. Display the current state of the world onscreen.
  2. Display the main menu.
  3. Move Frodo based on the user's input (note: this occurs before the orc and the Nazgul move).
  4. Move the orc and the Nazgul.  In the full version of the game the movement of these creatures will be determined by your program.  You can write the code to move either the orc or the Nazgul first.  To the player the orc and the Nazgul will appear to move simultaneously because he or she will not see the effect of the move until both of the computer-controlled characters have moved (i.e., all the updated positions when the game returns to step #1).
  5. Check the game status, determine if the player has won or lost the game and set the appropriate flag.
  6. If the player has won or lost the game then an appropriate concluding message will be displayed along with the final state of the world and the program will end.  If the player opts to quit the game early, then the lose game message will appear and again the program will end.  If the player doesn't choose to quit the game and if the game hasn't been won or lost,  then the program will return to step #1.

Grades for working assignments:

Basic assignment: C

Extra features: 

  1. The player can move Frodo (worth 2 letter steps): The player can move Frodo to any adjacent square that is not currently occupied.  The program must check if an invalid move is attempted: a) The destination is already occupied, b) The destination is out of bounds, c) The destination not is adjacent to the square currently occupied by Frodo.  In these cases an appropriate error message will be displayed and the program will continue prompting the user for a destination square until a valid value is entered
Figure2 : The fate of all Middle Earth depends upon your skill at guiding Frodo to Mount Doom

As the player moves Frodo, he or she should keep in mind that hobbits are not particularly good at combat (see Figure 3).  Frodo should never get in combat range of one of the either the orc or the Nazgul (i.e., the two are in squares that are adjacent).  If this ever happens, then Frodo is killed by the monster and the game is lost (see features #3 & 4).

Figure 3: "I'm a gourmet not a fighter!" (A quote from a typical hobbit at a Bilbo's big birthday bash). 
  1. The game can be won (worth 1 letter step):  If the player manages to move Frodo to Mount Doom (13,27) then the win game condition has been met.  The program will no longer loop to the next turn and suitable congratulatory end game message will be displayed.
Figure 4: Frodo reaches Mount Doom and saves Middle Earth!

In order to get credit for this feature, the win game function of the cheat menu must also be implemented (so that you and your TA can quickly determine if your program is working).  You will do this by re-setting the array elements so that Frodo has reached row 13 and column 27, Mount Doom.  Then your program automatically check that the game has been won.  The game status flag will be set to the win game condition and game will end in the fashion that's described above.

  1. The game is lost, Frodo has been killed by the orc (worth 1 letter step):  If the orc and Frodo are ever adjacent to each other at the end of a turn then the game is lost.   The program will not loop to the next turn and a suitable consolation message will be displayed to the user.
Figure 5: Frodo will die if he gets in range of the orc archer

Again in order to get credit for this function the appropriate operation in the cheat menu must also be implemented in a fashion similar to the win game condition.

  1. The game is lost, Frodo has been killed by the Nazgul (worth 1 letter step):  If the Nazgul and Frodo are ever adjacent to each other at the end of a turn then the game is lost.   The program will not loop to the next turn and a slightly different consolation message than the one above will be displayed to the user (i.e., your program must be able to tell which lose game condition has occurred).
Figure 6: Frodo dies if the Nazgul manages to close with him
  1. The orc can move (worth 1 letter step):  When the movement phase for the orc occurs it will randomly move it to one of the adjacent squares.  For practical purposes this means that the orc will move zero, or one rows up or down; zero, or one columns left or right.  The orc cannot move beyond the bounds of the array nor can the orc move onto a square that is already occupied.
Figure 7: The orc archer travels from square to square looking for Frodo.
  1. The Nazgul can move (worth 1 letter step):  The Nazgul moves in a different fashion from the orc because of it's semi-corporal nature.  During its movement phase it will disappear off it's current square and it will randomly appear anywhere in one of the unoccupied squares of the array.  (This may include the square that it started from although the possibility of this occurrence is very low).
Figure 8: The undead Nazgul can travel from any square to any other unoccupied square.

Grades for non-functional assignments

D level assignment

The student has invested considerable work in the assignment and the code compiles but it doesn't fulfill any of the above requirements.

D- level assignment

The student has invested considerable work in the assignment but it doesn't compile.

Hints for getting started for this assignment

As was the case with the previous assignment you need to break this fairly large problem down into some manageable parts.  Here's an example of how you can do this when you are writing the code for handling the user's selection at the main menu:

  • Display the main menu.
  • Get the menu selection from the user (you may actually combine this into another module if you wish because it's such a simple operation).
  • Identify and process the menu selection entered by the user (moving Frodo, invoking the cheat menu or quitting the game).
  • The first option will require the creation of several other modules:
  • Get the destination (row, column) coordinates from the user.
  • Determine if the row and column values are within the bounds of the array.
  • Determine if the destination square is occupied.
  • Determine if the destination square is adjacent to the source square (Frodo's current location).
  • If the three conditions are not met then display an error message and re-prompt the user for the destination square until all the conditions have been met.
  • If all three conditions are met then 'move' Frodo from the source square to the destination square (JT's big hint: Frodo will occupy the new array element while the previous array element now appears empty).

Other submission requirements

  1. Good coding style and documentation:  They will play a role in determining your final grade for this assignment.  Your grade can be reduced by a letter step or more if your submission was implemented using bad style conventions (e.g., 'A' to 'A-' for employing poor naming conventions for identifiers, insufficient documentation, the use of global variables other than the flag for displaying debugging messages, using non-modular design or having an excessively large amount of redundant code in your program).

  2. Include a README file in your submission:  For this assignment your README file must indicate what grade level that you think your assignment should receive (e.g., A, B or C) and the features that you have implemented.  This will allow your marker to quickly determine what he or she must look for and speed up the marking process.

  3. Assignments (source code and the README file) must be electronically submitted via submit.  In addition a paper print out of the source code and README must be handed into the assignment drop box for the tutorial that you are registered in (located on the second floor of the Math Sciences building).  Electronically submitting the assignment allows your marker to run the code in order to quickly determine what features were implemented.  Providing a paper printout makes it easier for your marker to read and flip through your source code.

  4. A demo is required for this assignment.  You will demonstrate the working features of your assignment to your TA, most likely it will occur in tutorials immediately after the assignment is due.  It is your responsibility to book a slot during the times allotted by your TA.  It isn't his or her job to chase you down and to set up a time.   If you do not demo your assignment then the highest possible grade that will get for this assignment is a 'D' regardless of how many features that are actually working.  This is because this assignment is fairly complex and I need to simplify the marking process to ensure that the assignments get graded and returned within a reasonable amount of time.

Sample Files

You can run a sample executable called "lotr" which can be found in Unix in the directory: /home/231/assignments/assignment6.  A portion of the source code, for initializing and displaying your array, will also be available in the assignment directory and is called "lotr.p".  You are allowed to use the source code in the lotr.p in your own assignment submission.

The Lord of the Rings trademark is owned by Tolkien Enterprises.  The license to the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy is owned by New Line Entertainment.   References to either the original trademark or the inclusion of images from the movies are for education fair use only and are not meant as a copy write challenge.