CPSC 231: Assignment 5 (Worth 4%) due Friday March 11
New Concepts to be applied for the assignment
Problem decomposition through the use of
program modules (functions and procedures)
One dimensional arrays
Writing a salary management program
For this assignment you are to write a
program that allows a manager to track and manage a list of employee salaries
for a small company. The full version of the program will allow the user to:
enter a set of salaries, display the salaries of all employees as well and show some
statistics about the pay scales. You should start by declaring a
one-dimensional array of real values (because fractional dollar values will be
tracked) in the main procedure to store the employee salaries. You
will have to pass this array as a parameter to the various procedures and
functions in your program.
Grading: Working submissions
Assignments that receive a 'C+'
After declaring the array, each element will
be initialized to some default starting value (such as zero). Next the
program will prompt the user to enter in each salary checking that no invalid
values have been entered. An invalid value would be a salary would either
be one that is negative or one that exceeds $999,999,999.99. If such
a value has been entered the program will display an
appropriate error message and it will continue to prompt the user for the salary
until a valid value has been entered. Finally
the program will show all employee salaries onscreen. Although you do not
have to make your output identical to the one in the sample program it should be
neat and presentable in order for you to get credit for your work.
Additional capabilities
Implementing features #1 - #4 will yield a
grade increase of one 'step' (e.g., 'C+' to 'B-'). Implementing
feature number #5 will yield a grade increase of two steps. These extra
features can be implemented in any order and in any combination that you wish.
Implementing all five features will yield a grade increase of six steps ('C+' to
Compute the average salary: Implement a
function or procedure that will determine the average
employee salary and display it onscreen.
Find the lowest paid employee: Implement a
function or procedure that finds and displays onscreen the minimum salary in the
Find the highest paid employee: Implement a
function or procedure that finds and displays the maximum salary in the list.
Increase the number of salaries that can be
tracked from 10 to 100. In order for you to
receive credit for this extra feature you must hand in two versions of
your assignment, one with a list of 10 elements and another with a list of 100
elements. You cannot simply create one version of the program that works
with only 100 employees. Hint: There is a hard way of doing
this an and easy way. Think back the lectures when I first talked about writing
programs and good style for a clue as to what the easy way is.
Determine the number of employees that fall within different salary ranges.
The program will count the number of employees that fall within each of the
following ranges:
Salary range
Less than
$20,000 to
less than $40,000
$40,000 to
less than $80,000
$80,000 and
Program modules (functions or procedures that must be implemented in the full
version of the program):
- "initialize": To initially set the array elements to some starting
- "displayAll": Shows all employee salaries onscreen.
- "inputSalaries": Steps through the array and prompts the user to
enter in the salary for each employee.
- "displayRanges": Shows the salary ranges as well as the number of
employees whose salary falls within a particular range.
- "findMin": Finds the salary of the lowest paid employee.
- "findMax": Finds the salary of the highest paid employee.
- "calculateAverage": Determines the average salary of all employees.
Also you will need a function or procedure that counts the number of salaries that fall
within different pay ranges. This should be accomplished by implementing a
single module that works for all salary ranges rather than
writing a separate one for each salary range. It is okay if you wish to write
additional functions or procedures (besides the two listed above) in order to
complete your assignment. How you wish to structure the remainder of your
program is up to you, just make sure that your solution is guided by good design
principles e.g., avoid putting all the code into a single function or procedure
(especially the main procedure), each function or procedure should have a well
defined task that gives it a clear purpose.
Grading: Non-working submissions
D submissions:
The student has invested considerable time
and effort
into the assignment, the program does not fulfill any of the above requirements
but it does compile.
D- submissions:
The student has invested considerable time
and effort into the assignment, the program does not fulfill any of the above
requirements and it does not compile.
Other submission requirements
Good coding style and documentation:
They will play a role in determining your final
grade for this assignment. Your grade can be reduced by a letter step
or more if your submission was implemented using bad style conventions (e.g.,
'A' to 'A-'
for employing poor naming
conventions for identifiers, insufficient documentation, the use of global
variables or non-modular design).
Include a README file in your submission: For this assignment
your README file must indicate what grade level has been completed (e.g., A, B or C)
as well as which of the above features have been implemented.
This will allow your marker to quickly determine what he or she must look for
and speed up the marking process.
Assignments (source code and the README file) must be electronically
submitted via submit.
In addition a paper print out of all the source code (files that end in the
"dot-p" suffix) and the README must be handed into the
assignment drop box for the lab that you are registered in (located on the
second floor of the Math Sciences building). Electronically submitting the
assignment allows your marker to run the code in order to quickly determine what
features were implemented. Providing a paper printout makes it easier for
your marker to read and scan through your source code.
Sample Executable
You can run a sample executable called "salaryManager"
which can be found in Unix in the directory: /home/231/assignments/assignment5