Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computer Science I by James Tam | Return to the course web page |
Mark out of 4 | Letter |
4 | A |
3 | B |
2 | C |
1 | D |
0 | F |
Login onto your Unix account
Start a script session
Show the contents of your home directory
Show your location (path) in the Unix file system
Make a new directory called '231'
Show the contents of your home directory
Enter the newly created ‘231’ directory
Show the contents of the newly created ‘231’ directory
Show your location (path) in the Unix file system
Go to the official directory for CPSC 231 (/home/231)
Show the contents of the CPSC 231 directory
Show your location (path) in the Unix file system
Go to the directory for assignment 1 (/home/231/assignments/assignment1)
Show the contents of the assignment 1 directory
Show your location (path) in the Unix file system
Display the contents of the index.html file onscreen
Copy the a1 file to the newly created ‘231’ directory that you created (in your home directory).
Go to the newly created ‘231’ directory (in your home directory)
Show the contents of the newly created ‘231’ directory.
End the script session
Print out the script and hand it in (along with the rest of your assignment 1 submission) – make sure you read the submission guidelines!
4 marks maximum for all steps properly completed
3 marks if a step was missed or improperly completed
2 marks if two or more steps were missed or improperly completed
1 mark if three or more steps were missed or improperly completed
Zero marks if more than three steps were missed or improperly completed