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Sorting in Pascal (Leestma & Nyhoff discuss the topic of
searching and sorting in Section 9.2, however they do describe the type of sort covered in this section of notes - the Bubble sort):
Optional teaching material
Other types of rudimentary sorts (such as the Insertion and Selection
Sort) should be covered.
Also it may be beneficial to discuss searches and how sorting information
can make searches faster via the binary and linear search.
Background / Sources of additional information
Pascal Programming and Problem Solving by Leestma S. and Nyhoff L. 4th
Edition (MacMillan Publishing Company).
Pascal an Introduction to the Art and Science of Programming by Savitch
W.J. (The Benjamin / Cummings Publishing Co., Inc.).
Pascal link under the
GNU website (since the U of C Computer Science department uses the GNU Pascal compiler gpc).