Making Decisions In Computer Programs
Notes for the required material
- These notes can be purchased in the Student Union Copy Center at cost
- Decision-making in Pascal if-then, if-then-else, case statements (Leestma & Nyhoff
Section 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 7.1): [PowerPoint] [Acrobat]
Optional teaching material
Background / Sources of additional information
- Pascal Programming and Problem Solving by Leestma S. and Nyhoff L. 4th
Edition (MacMillan Publishing Company).
- Pascal an Introduction to the Art and Science of Programming by Savitch
W.J. (The Benjamin / Cummings Publishing Co., Inc.).
- The Pascal link under the
GNU website (since the U of C Computer Science department uses the GNU Pascal compiler gpc).
Teaching Tips
Because students are now being exposed to more complicated programming
statements (decision making constructs), the instructor should take the time to
ensure that the concept of branching is well understood. Also having a
strong foundation in this section will allow the instructor to proceed more
quickly through the next section (loops).