Usability Studies: Grading Sheet (12%)

Student Names _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
ID Number _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
Completeness of Report Missing Incomplete portions Complete
scenario 0 0 0
methodology 0 0 0
observations 0 0 0
interpretations 0 0 0
suggested improvements 0 0 0
conclusions 0 0 0
Appendix 1: Comparison 0 0 0
Appendix 2: Raw data
Graphics of work (e.g., appearance of the cover & content, typography, illustrations, white space) Ugly




Looks Great.


Length of report Way too long or short



Perfect, don't add or delete another character

Literary Quality Poor Ok, but proof it more Great
( grammar, paragraph structure, section structure, clarity of writing, style and interest, verboseness) 0 0 0
spelling/typos 0 0 0
Technical Quality Poor. Okay Great
scenario 0 (poor background) 0 0 (explained system, your role, & point of report)
methodology 0 (didn't summarize) 0 0 (concise description of methods used)
Quality of  tasks 0 (poor tasks - hardly anyone would try to complete these tasks) 0 (excellent sample tasks)
Questionnaire 0 (irrelevant questions) 0 0 (highly relevant questions)
observations 0 (hard to understand) 0 0 (good summary of observations)
interpretations 0 (little insight added) 0 0 (strength/weaknesses identified/generalized)
suggested improvements 0 (poor/minor) 0 0 (excellent low-cost design changes)
conclusions and recommendations 0 (didn't conclude) 0 0 (summarized results and recommendations)
Appendix 1 0 (little insight added) 0 0 (excellent discussion of methods)
Appendix 2 0 (poorly organized) 0 0 (shows good record-keeping)
Thoroughness of task selection (i.e., did you miss any)? 0 (only used sample tasks) 0 (provided a few good tasks, missed a few minor ones or one important task) 0 (provided a good range of tasks)
Thoroughness of treatment 0 (superficial) 0 0 (balanced depth & breadth)

Grade: A ....... A- ....... B+ ....... B ....... B- ....... C+ ....... C ....... C- ....... D+ ....... D ....... D- ....... F+ ....... F ....... F-
Note : A is superior report; B is better than expected; C is adequate; D is poor; F is unacceptable

Turn over for evaluator's comments and/or see report. Students are invited to see the T.A. for further comments on their report.