Example Prototype and Walkthrough Summary
This example illustrates an (incomplete and sketchy) prototype
based on the library tasks + one task walkthrough summary, which
should comprise sections 4+5 of your portfolio.
Task centered design: Background
The Situation
- A small library has contracted you
to build a computer system that will let librarians and
their assistants deal with routine requests by the
library clients. The computer(s) will be situated on the
checkin/checkout counter.
Section 1: Tasks and Requirements
Introduction: Background to the
- This is a small library that serves
a town of about 10,000 people
- About 500 people use the library
each day, although this varies.
- Its holdings include books, CDs,
and cassette tapes
- The library already has a computer
system that collects, in a database, all its holdings and
a unique bar code number. All holdings already have a bar
code label on them.
- The library also has a computer
system that allows its clients to peruse its holdings
(these computers are set up on booths in the middle of
the library). As this system is satisfactory, and will
not have to be replaced.
- However, the computer system used
by librarians and their assistants is badly out of date
and awkward to use. This is the one that will be replaced
in this project.
Section 1: Tasks and Requirements
Introduction: Expected Users
- The users of the system are
experienced staff: the librarians and library assistants.
(library clients will not be allowed to use the system)
- Library staff are all experienced
at all routine library operations
- The library expects all its staff
to be trained on system use, either formally (through a
course if necessary), or by apprenticeship (where staff
will learn on the job from other proficient staff
- Library staff are currently all
experience with PCs and the usual suite of applications
that run on Windows 95
Section 1: Tasks and Requirements
Introduction: Work Contexts
- Librarians do many chores, such as
re-shelving books, tidying up the library, helping
clients find books, sorting new holdings, and so on
- One of their chores is to work the
counter, which is the emphasis of this project.
- The library moves from quiet to
quite busy periods
- During quiet periods, the staff do
their routine chores, and only go to the counter when a
client approaches it.
- During busy periods, a staff is
always at the counter, and calls other staff to the
counter when the line-up starts growing
- During busy periods, lineups
routinely grow to about 3-5 people, with longer lineups
being rare
- However, people rarely have to wait
more than 5 minutes before being served
Section 1: Tasks and Requirements
Introduction: Work Contexts
- The library moves from quiet to
quite busy periods
- During quiet periods, the staff do
their routine chores, and only go to the counter when a
client approaches it.
- During busy periods, a staff is
always at the counter, and calls other staff to the
counter when the line-up starts growing
- During busy periods, lineups
routinely grow to about 3-5 people, with longer lineups
being rare
- However, people rarely have to wait
more than 5 minutes before being served
Section 1: Tasks and Requirements
Introduction: What the envisaged
system will be used for
The system will handle routine counter
work, which now includes
- helping staff answer customer
requests (either face to face or by the phone)
- telling clients their status ie
what books they have out, what fines are pending, and so
- checking library holdings in and
- checking for late fines and
informing clients
- collecting fines
- providing new library cards
- checking for expired cards
- renewing library cards
- phoning people who have overdue
Section 1: Tasks and Requirements
Introduction: System constraints
- The library already has a well
maintained computer system that contains all the holdings
in a reasonably fast database. The library does not
expect to change this system, and ask that your system
link into it.
- The library also have several
modern PCs running Windows 95, already located on
the counter. They expect that your system will be built
on that platform
- There is a very modest budget for
additional equipment, if needed.
Section 2: Concrete task examples
What you have to do
- for details on what makes a good
task, read the assigned readings, the assignment and
Appendix 1 carefully
- go the work site (if possible), and
- interview staff/end-users
- observe people doing real
Section 2: Concrete task examples
Some examples garnered by talking to
the library staff and observing them work
- Joan, a regular and experienced
library employee, is working behind the counter. Mary, a
regular library customer brings three books to the
counterand asks that they be checked out. These are:
<3 books should be listed here>. Mary does not have
her library card. Joan finds Mary library number, checks
out the books for her, and reminds Mary that she has some
late fines to pay. Mary says she will pay for them next
time. Joan gives Mary the books, and Mary leaves.
- This is a fairly routine task, as
validated by Joan. Books are checked out, and the client
is reminded of late fees. It also illustrates some
working practices. For example, most clients do not have
their cards, and expect librarians to look them up. This
is acceptable library policy. Similarly, staff can choose
to allow customers to defer paying their fees.
- Joan is also a typical system user,
while Mary is a typical client
Section 2: Concrete task examples
- Joans next client is Saul.
Saul is a regular library patron, well known to staff,
and is somewhat notorious for exceeding book checkout
limits, returning books late, never having his library
card, and accumulating library fines. He is returning 3
books (2 which are overdue) <list here>, and Joan
starts checking them in. One of the books, however, is
missing its bar code number. She looks up the title,
checks it in, and sets it aside for repair.
- While she is doing this, Saul
brings 8 books to the counter and 5 audio tapes <list
here>. Joan starts checking out his holdings. , She
notices that he has reached the maximum level of $10.
books. She tells Saul about the fine, and he pays it.
After four books, she notices that Saul is maxed
out on the allowable books and asks Saul if she can check
the rest out on his sons account, and he says yes.
She continues to do so on his sons account until
all books are checked out. Saul then asks if he can renew
any books that are overdue. 3 of them are, and Mary does
- This is a complex task that
contains many situations that, while less routine, are
still important. In particular, it contains some elements
of the library policy (eg dealing with maximum fines),
some workarounds (eg, maxed out accounts), and some
less routine situations (eg, missing bar codes).
Section 3: Tentative list of
- Absolutely must include:
- rapid check-in and
check-out of holdings
- lookup of customers
- status of customer holdings
(eg, books checked out, books overdue, fines)
- ability to clear fines
- Should include:
- Could include:
- Exclude:
- Discussion
- Why items are in those
Last updated
September 1997, by Saul