Project: Iterative Interface Design (25%)

Part I: Due week of March 17 - 21 Screen snapshots demonstrated in lab (remember to bring your grading sheet).
Hand in: redesign rational (i.e. changes from the first prototype) + screen snapshots to your TA at this time.
Part II: Due 

April 14

Due Monday 4:00 PM Complete Portfolio: including redesign rational, implementation freeze1, latest screen snapshots, overall critique and evaluation of the final system.  If the section on heuristics is covered in time then you will also need to perform a heuristic evaluation of your system.  Email (or hand in a disk/disc) with the coded system to me (James).  Hand in the portfolio in the main CPSC office (because I will be marking the second section).
Demos: April 15 - 18  Project demonstrations as scheduled.  I will post a sign-up sheet outside my office towards the end of the term.

Overview.  In this project, you will gain further hands-on experience through the development of  medium and high fidelity prototypes. You will also learn how to program using a graphical user interface toolkit, and possibly even how to do a heuristic evaluation. Your design can either continue the interface you prototyped in Assignment 1, or you can develop a new design (make sure you clear this with the course instructor first).

A note on organization. You must hand in the entire portfolio when requested, including your Assignment 1 work, as this will show me how your design has progressed and evolved over the term. As before, keep your project in a 3-ring binder, beginning with an assignment grading sheet. Major sections should be separated by index tabs.

What you have to do

Part I. Implement a horizontal prototype, plus re-design Rationale (this is due the week of March 17 - 21 but must also be included in your project portfolio for Part II - below). Part II. Implement a Vertical prototype, and do an evaluation  of this prototype (this is due April 14)

Grading. Grades are based on the quality, sophistication and creative elements of the evolving design and its implementation, and the professional nature of the written submissions. Remember that you are implementing both a horizontal and vertical high fidelity prototype --- the balance between the two depends on your design . It should contain enough 'meat' to show what it would be like to interact with the real thing. Grades are not based on the complexity of underlying application code (hidden back-end code that I talked about at the beginning of the term) that have little to do with the interface (the front-end GUI code).

You are emphatically cautioned against biting off more than you can chew! A modest carefully implemented project often scores much higher than an ambitious project that is not well done. Start immediately! The best groups start early, plan activities, divide the work logically, and communicate well.

   1 This means that you should stop coding at this point - this is why you need to provide me with a copy of your code.  Note however that it is still the responsibility of each group to have their project running for the demonstrations.   With so many demos to watch I won't have time to do this for you.