Lecture Topics in HCI, by Saul Greenberg | |
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Most code fragments are included in this file. You can just cut and paste between the file and the wish interpretter to try things out.
What is it?
- Scripting language, where basic functionality can be extended in C
- Tcl=dynamic, string substitution-based interpreted script language
- Tk=high-level cross-platform UI toolkit (callable from Tcl, Perl, Python, ...)
Why Tcl?
- free
- quick to learn
- documented
- good set of powerful widgets (especially the canvas and text widget)
- used (somewhat) in industry
How to
use it
- from your PC
- Start / Tcl / Wish to run the tcl/tk interpretter
Start / Tcl / Help to see the on-line manual
Start / Tcl / Widget tour to see examples of Tk Widgets and codeResources
- Visit the Scriptics site http://www.scriptics.com/
- you can find widget extensions at http://www.scriptics.com/resource/software/extensions/tk/
- Available as a binary file for both Mac and Windows for free!!!
- We have a local copy for windows (about 1.7 Mb) or
- get it from Scriptics http://www.scriptics.com/software/8.0.html
- and this is a plug-in (somewhat restricted) version that runs within a web browser
Scripts and
- Tcl Script
- a sequence of commands
- separated by semi-colons and / or new lines
- Tcl command
- One or more words separated by white space.
- First word is command name, others are arguments. Returns string result.
- Example script
- set myName Saul
puts "My Name is $myName and I teach "
set class CPSC-481; puts -nonewline $classArguments
- Parser assigns no special meaning to arguments
- set x 4
- set y x+4
- set z $x+4
- "1+1"
- Different commands assign different meanings to their arguments. Type-checking must be done by commands themselves.
- expr 24/3.2
- eval "set a 122"
- button .b -text Hello -fg red
- string length Abracadabra
- Syntax: $varName
- Variable names are made of letters, digits, and underscores. Variables may be substituted anywhere within other words.
- set b 66 -> 66
set a b -> b
set a $b -> 66
set a $b.3 -> 66.3
set a $b4 -> no such variableCommand
- Syntax: [script]
- Evaluate script, substitute result. May occur anywhere within a word.
- set b 8 -> 8
set a [expr $b+2] -> 10
set a "b-3 is [expr $b-3]" -> b-3 is 5Controlling
- Words normally break at white space and semi-colons
- Double-quotes prevent breaks:
- set a "x is $x; y is $y" ->
- Curly braces prevent breaks and substitutions:
- set a {[expr $b*$c]}
- Backslashes quote special characters:
- set a word\ with\ \$\ and\ space
- Backslashes can escape newline (continuationn)
- set aLongVariableNameIsUnusual \
"This is a string"- Substitutions don't change word structure:
- set a "two words"
- set b $a
- Preceeded by the # sign
- But follows same rules for parser!
- # this is a comment <- OK
- set a 22 # this is a comment <- Wrong!
- set a 22 ;# this is a comment <- OK
Math &
- Arguments are interpretted as expressions in some commands: expr, if, ...
- See help on expr
- set b 5 ;# 5
expr ($b*4)-3 ;# 17
expr $b <= 2 ;# 0
expr {$b * cos(4)} ;# -3.268...
set a Bill ;# Bill
expr {$a < "Anne"} ;# 0
expr {$a < "Fred"} ;# 1
- Associative arrays; index is any string
- Assigments are done using the set statement,
- You can fake multi-dimensional arrays
- set foo(fred) 44 ;# 44
set foo(2) [expr $foo(fred) + 6] ;# 50
array names foo ;# fred 2- set A(1,1) 10
set A(1,2) 11
array names A ;# 1,1 1,2 (note commas!)Lists
- Zero or more elements separated by white space:
- Braces and backslashes for grouping:
- set colors {red green blue}
set hierarchy {a b {c d e} f }- List-related commands:
concat lindex llength lsearch foreach linsert lrange lsort lappend list lreplace- Note: all indices start with 0. end means last element
- lindex $hierarchy 2 ;# c d e
lsort $colors ;# blue green redStrings
- String manipulation commands:
regexp format split string regsub scan join- string subcommands
compare first last index length match range toupper tolower trim trimleft trimright- all indexes start with 0. end means last char
- string tolower "THIS" ;# this
- string trimleft "XXXXHello" X ;# Hellow
- string index "abcde" 2 ;# c
- C-like in appearance.
- Just commands that take Tcl scripts as arguments.
- includes:
if for switch break foreach while eval continue sourceif else
- set x 2
if {$x < 3} {
puts "x is less than 3"
} else {
puts "x is 3 or more"
- # list reversal
set a {a b c d e}
set b ""
set i [expr [llength $a] - 1]
while {$i >= 0} {
lappend b [lindex $a $i]
incr i -1
puts $bfor
- for {set i 0} {$i<10} {incr i} {
puts $i
- foreach color {red green blue} {
puts "I like $color"
}- set A(1) a; set A(2) b; set A(26) z
foreach index [array names A] {
puts $A($index)
- set pete_count 0
set bob_count 0
set other_count 0
foreach name {Peter Peteee Bobus Me Bobor Bob} {
switch -regexp $name {
^Pete* {incr pete_count}
^Bob|^Robert {incr bob_count}
default {incr other_count}
puts "$pete_count $bob_count $other_count"
- proc name args body
- proc commands defines a procedure
- proc decrement {x} {
expr $x-1
}- Procedures behave just like built-in commands:
- decrement 3
- Arguments can have defaults:
- proc decrement {x {y 1}} {
expr $x - $y
}- Procedures can have a variable number of arguments
- proc sum args {
set s 0
foreach i $args {
incr s $i
return $s
sum 1 2 3 4 5 ;# 15- Recursive procedures are ok
- proc fac x {
if $x==1 {return 1}
expr $x*[fac [expr $x-1]]
fac 4scoping
- there are local and global variables
- global variables used in procedures must be declared as such
- set outside "I'm outside"
set inside "I'm really outside"
proc whereAmI {inside} {
global outside
puts $outside
puts $inside
whereAmI "I wonder where I will be"
- Tcl file I/O commands
- open seek file close tell glob
gets flush cd read eof pwd
puts sourceopening,
- Similar to C
- set f [open "myfile.txt" "r"]
=> file4
puts $f "Write this text into file"
close $fgets, puts,
- gets and puts are line oriented
- set x [gets $f] ;#reads one line of $f into x
- read can read specific numbers of bytes
- read $f 100 ;# up to 100 bytes of file $f)
- Easy to program compared to C
- example: get the first 100 characters from the departments home page
- set f [socket www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca 80]
fconfigure $f -buffering line
puts $f "GET /"
puts [read $f 100]
close $fsource
- source some TCL code
- treated as if its in-line (e.g., like a #include in C)
- source myTclCode.tcl