CPSC 481 Foundations of HCI

James Tam (instructor)

Schedule for Winter, 2003

This schedule is subject to change. Definitive dates and particulars are announced in class.





TA's do in lab

Students must do in lab

Jan 13,15,17

Classes begin



No Lab

No Lab

Jan 20,22,24

Labs begin



Describe Assign. 1
Talk about example library system (Background, users and tasks)

Form groups of 3 within lab

Jan 27,29,31




Walk through example library system with task scenarios

Present Assign. 1: steps 1, 2 and 3 (Users, tasks and requirements)

Feb 3,5,7





Present Assign. 1: steps 4 and 5 (low-fi prototypes and walk-throughs)

Feb 10,12,14




Describe Assign. 2
Due: Assign. 1 Portfolio - Monday 4:30


Feb 17,19,21

Reading days

Reading days

Reading days

No Labs

No Labs

To do on own: Begin user studies for Assign. 2

Feb 24,26,28

    Midterm exam Lead discussions for Assign. 2 Discuss observations for Assign. 2

Mar 3,5,7




Introduction to Assign. 3
Due: Assign. 2-Monday 4:30

To do on own: Assign. 3 redesign and screen snapshots

Mar 10,12,14




Introduction to VB

To do on own: Prepare screenshots

Mar 17,19,21




Provide feedback on screenshots
Due in lab: Assign. 3 Portfolio-redesign rational, screen snapshots

Present screenshots

To do on own: Assign. 3 Heuristic evaluation, further redesign and implementation

Mar 24,26,28  




Coding examples...

To do on own: Assign. 3 Heuristic evaluation, further redesign and implementation

Mar 31 April 2,4




More coding examples...

To do on own: Assign. 3 Heuristic evaluation, further redesign and implementation

April 7,9,11




More coding examples...


To do on own: Assign. 3 Heuristic evaluation, further redesign and implementation

April 14, 16




No labs 

Due Monday  4:30: Assign. 3 Portfolio, including implementation freeze, latest screen snapshots, heuristic evaluation, final discussion, electronic submission of project. 

No labs

April 21 - 30

Final exam somewhere in here