CPSC 481: Foundations of HCI

James Tam (instructor)

HCI Video Resources

I select videos to show students from the list below. Most are produced as part of the Technical Video Track from the ACM CHI and CSCW Conferences, and (until recently) were published as part of the ACM SIGGRAPH Video Review. They are available from ACM Press.

Issue 12: CHI'83

  1. Rapid Prototyping Using FLAIR - Wong @ TRW
  2. Towards a Comprehensive UIMS - Buxton @ Univ. of Toronto
  3. Cousin Interface System - Hayes @ CMU
  4. Tiger System Demonstration - Boeing
  5. Video Games by Example - Atari
  6. Mockingbird - Xerox
  7. SSSP Demo - U. of T.
  8. Selection-Positioning Task - Buxton @ Univ. of Toronto

Issue 13: CHI'83

  1. Blit - Pike @ Bell Labs
  2. Movie Manual Project - MIT
  3. Office of the Professional - Imperial College
  4. Put That There - MIT
  5. Program Visualization - CCA
  6. Magnetic Fusion Experiment Control Center - LLNL
  7. Sketchpad - Sutherland @ MIT (1963)

Issue 18: CHI'85

  1. Designing a "No Surprise Editor" Prototype - IBM
  2. Human Interface Aspects of Typefounder - Xerox
  3. Multilingual Typing - Xerox
  4. Boxer: Applications of a Personal Computing Environment - Abelson
  5. Programming by Example - Xerox
  6. Solidviews 1984: Interaction - Xerox
  7. The Cousin User Interface Management System - Hayes @ CMU
  8. A Testbed Computing Environment for Formalized System Development - Neches & Goldman
  9. Software Control at the Stroke of a Pen - Pencept

Issue 19:

  1. Personal Planner: The Scenario Machine as a Research Tool - IBM
  2. ACRONYM - Borenstein @ CMU
  3. JUNO - Xerox
  4. Document Examiner - Walker @ Symbolics
  5. The User Interface for Sapphire - PERQ Systems
  6. Percent Done Indicator - Meyers @ Toronto
  7. ZStep: A Stepper for LISP Based on Visual Inspection - Lieberman
  8. Cedar Programming Environment - Xerox
  9. Magpie - Tektronix
  10. Preparing a Meal - Curtis
  11. Olympic Message System - IBM

Issue 26: CHI+GI'87

  1. Commercial productions from the U.S., Japan, and Canada
  2. Best commercials submitted
  3. Research computer graphics and visual synthesis
  4. Research human interaction:
  5. Animation projects as either research or demonstration pieces

Issue 27

  1. Conversational Desktop - Schmandt @ MIT Media Lab
  2. DataGlove - VPL Research
  3. Work in Progress in Computer Graphics and Animation at MIT - Zeltzer @ MIT Media Lab
  4. Multimedia Technology for Collaborative Writing - Edigo et al @ Bellcore
  5. SemNet 2.1 - Fairchild @ MCC
  6. Alternate Reality Kit - Smith @ Xerox PARC

Issue 33

  1. Snap Dragging and the Gargoyle Illustration System - Pier et al @ Xerox PARC
  2. MIT Visible Language Workshop - Russell @ MIT Media Lab
  3. Color Selection Tool - Stone @ Xerox PARC
  4. Siemens RTL Tiled Window System - Cohen @ Siemens RTL
  5. Set Operations on Polyhedra Using Binary Space Partitioning Trees - Naylor @ Bell Labs

Issue 34

  1. Data Analysis Networks in DINDE - Oldford @ Univ. of Waterloo
  2. Sassafras Demo - Hill @ ECRC
  3. The Information Lens - Malone @ MIT
  4. 3D of MRI Images - Csuri @ OSU ACCAD
  5. Three Dimensional Font Design - Giannitrapani @ BU

Issue 58: CHI'88

  1. Experiments in Computer Support for Teamwork - Xerox PARC
  2. Visualizing the Execution of Prolog Programs - The Open University
  3. ViewPoint: Toward a Computer for Visual Thinkers - Stanford University
  4. Specialist Help Using Multiple Media - IBM Watson Research Center
  5. MacWorld Information Kiosk: Visual Metaphors for Accessing Information - Apple Computer

Issue 59

  1. Interfaces for Accessing Textual and Visual Information in Large Databases - Apple Computer
  2. Creating User Interfaces by Demonstration: The Peridot User Interface Management System - University of Toronto
  3. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: The ACT Project - Carnegie-Mellon University
  4. More Voice Applications in Cedar - Xerox PARC

Issue 45: CHI'89

  1. Cookin' with VIC - VA Medical Rehabilitation Center
  2. Reasoning Under Uncertainty - BBN Labs
  3. Freestyle - Wang Labs
  4. Rapport - AT&T Bell Labs
  5. CRUISER - Bell Communications Research

Issue 46: CHI'89

  1. A Navigator for UNIX - ParcPlace Systems
  2. An Overview of the Andrew System - CMU ITC
  3. Sun 386i On-Line Help - Sun Microsystems
  4. Context-Sensitive Animated Help - George Washington University

Issue 47: CHI'89

  1. The Paper-Like Interface - IBM Watson Research Center
  2. Human Interface Tool Set - MCC
  3. 16,000 Miles on a Bicycle - Roberts
  4. Gargoyle3D: Snap-Dragging in 3D - Xerox PARC

Issue 48: CHI'89

  1. Direction Assistance - MIT
  2. Scripted Documents - Xerox PARC
  3. The Illustrated Neuroanatomy Glossary - MIT
  4. Digital Darkroom - Xerox PARC
  5. Interactive Graphical Search and Substitute - Xerox PARC

Issue 55: CHI'90

  1. In-Keyboard Analog Pointing Device - A Case for the Pointing Stick - IBM Watson Research Center
  2. 3-Draw: A Tool for the Conceptual Design of Three Dimensional Shapes - MIT
  3. VIEW: The Ames Virtual Environment Workstation - NASA Ames Research Center
  4. Three-Dimensional Interfaces in Shared Environments - AT&T Bell Laboratories
  5. The Piano Tutor - Carnegie-Mellon University
  6. Color Selection - Xerox PARC

Issue 56: CHI'90

  1. Xerox Star User Interface: An Overview - Xerox Corporation
  2. Silicon Graphics Workstation - Silicon Graphics Inc.
  3. Metamouse: End-User Programming by Demonstration - University of Calgary
  4. Graphical Reasoning for Graphical Interfaces - Bellcore
  5. FormsVBT: A Two-View Approach to Constructing User Interfaces - DEC
  6. The Strauss Mouse - EDS Centre for Machine Intelligence

Issue 57: CHI'90 Special Issue - All the Widgets

This special compilation of widgets by Brad Myers and others at CMU.
It shows the history and breadth of the components of graphical user interfaces with many dozens of examples.

Issue 63: CHI'91

  1. Information Visualization Using 3D Interactive Animation - Xerox PARC
  2. Editable Graphical Histories - Columbia Univ.
  3. Guides 3.0 - Apple Computer
  4. The Cue Ball as Part of a Gestural Interface - Incredible Tech
  5. Documents as User Interfaces - Xerox PARC
  6. Scheduling Home Control Devices - Univ. of Maryland

Issue 64: CHI'91

  1. The Lapidary Graphical User Interface Design Tool - Univ. of Tennessee
  2. Eager: Programming Repetitive Tasks by Example - Apple Computer
  3. Janus: Basic Concepts and Sample Run - NYNEX Science and Technology
  4. Spoken Language Interfaces: The OM System - Carnegie Mellon Univ.
  5. COMET: Generating Coordinated Multimedia Explanations - Columbia Univ.

Issue 65: CHI'91

  1. Hydrogen Collision Dynamics on a Rough Surface - NCSA
  2. Rapid Controlled Movement Through Virtual 3D Workspaces - Xerox PARC
  3. A Human Factors Guide to Computer Speech - Univ. of Wales
  4. A Hypersimulation-Based Learning Environment: SIMPLE - Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
  5. GENIE: Developing and Assessing State-of-the-Art Integrated Programming Environments - Carnegie Mellon Univ.

Special Issue 70: Visualization Software

  1. Visualization Reality
  2. Visualization Software Tools
  3. Visualization Parameters
  4. Visualization Applications
  5. Digital Unimedia
  6. Virtual Reality
  7. Future Trends

Issue 76: CHI'92

Group work

  1. MMM: The Multi-Device Multi-User Multi-Editor - Xerox PARC
  2. Go Fish! A Multi-User Game in the Rendezvous System - Bellcore
  3. 3 A Case Study of a Multimedia Co-Working Task - Amanda Ropa Design
  4. 4 Using Spatial Cues to Improve Desktop Videoconferencing - Univ. of Toronto

Speech and natural language

  1. Multi-Model Natural Dialogue - MIT Media Lab
  2. Wordspotting in Voice Editing and Audio - Xerox PARC

User interface tools

  1. Coupling Application Design and User Interface Design - Georgia Tech

Issue 77: CHI'92

User interface techniques

  1. Combining Gesture and Direct Manipulation - Carnegie Mellon Univ.
  2. Briar -- A Constraint-Based Drawing Program - Carnegie Mellon Univ.


  1. An Introduction to Zeus - DEC SRC
  2. Pointing and Visualization - Bellcore

Interface designs

  1. Touchscreen Toggle Design - Univ. of Maryland
  2. Dynamic Queries: Database Searching by Direct Manipulation - Univ. of Maryland

Issue 78: CHI'92

Graphic design

  1. Graphic Design of an Executive Information System - Easel
  2. Computer Interface Design 1992 - Henry Dreyfuss Associates
  3. An Object-Oriented Evolution of Windows Information at Your Fingertips - Microsoft

Future Scenarios: Hypermedia

  1. Project 2000 - Apple Computer, Inc.
  2. Residential Information Services in a Broadband Public Switched Network - AT&T

Future Scenarios: Virtual Reality

  1. Be There Here - Telepresence Research
  2. Virtuality, Inc. - San Francisco Art Institute

Future Scenarios: Intelligent Agents

  1. Knowledge Navigator - Apple Computer, Inc.
  2. HyperCard 1992 - Apple Computer, Inc.
  3. Friend21 - Institute for Personalized Information Environment

Future Scenarios: Office Environments

  1. Tactile Manipulation on a Digital Desk - Rank Xerox EuroPARC
  2. 1992 - Hewlett Packard

Issue 87: CSCW '92

  1. The Pandora Multimedia System-Olivetti
  2. Enhanced Factory Communications -Boeing
  3. Coupling The User Interfaces Of A Multi-User Program Purdue University
  4. Groupsketch-University Of Calgary
  5. The Conversation Board-Bellcore
  6. Toward Seamless Collaboration Media: From Teamworkstation To Clearboard-Ntt
  7. Rubber Rocks-Ibm
  8. Delft-Wit: Research Issues And Methods For Behavioral Analysis-Delft University

Issue 88: INTERCHI'93

  1. The human Guidance of Automated design - British Aerospace and Phillips Research
  2. Browsing Graphs Using a Fisheye View - DEC Systems and Brown University
  3. High Interaction Data Visualization - using Seesoft to Visualize Program Change History - AT & T Bell Laboratories
  4. Exploring Remote Images: A Telepathological Workstation - HCIL University of Maryland
  5. QOC In Action: Using Design Rationale to Support Design - Rank Xerox EuroPARC
  6. Touch Typing With a Stylus - XeroxPARC
  7. ARGOS: A Display System for Augmenting Reality - U. of Toronto
  8. Talking to Machines - U. of Wales
  9. The Alfresco Interactive System - IRST
  10. Hyperspeech - MIT Media Lab
  11. MPACT: Interactive Motion Picture Authoring System for Creative Talent - Hitachi
  12. Microcosm: An Open Hypermedia System - U. of Southampton
  13. Multimedia Documents as User Interfaces- U. of Washington and XeroxPARC

Issue 89: INTERCHI'93

  1. Graphical Editing by Example - Columbia U.
  2. Guiding Automation with Pixels: A Technique for Programming in the User Interface - HCIL- U. of Maryland
  3. Inferring Graphical Constraints with Rockit - DEC Paris Research Centre and CMU
  4. Tourmaline: Macrostyles by Example - Bell Communications and CMU
  5. The Active Badge System - Olivetti Research
  6. Imagine - Hewlett Packard

Issue 106: CSCW '94

Prototypes and Enabling Technologies

  1. Montage: Multimedia Glances for Distributed Groups, SunSoft, Inc.
  2. GroupKit - A Groupware Toolkit, U. Calgary
  3. Teleporting - Making Applications Mobile, Olivetti Research Laboratory

Applications and methodologies

  1. Courtyard: Integrating A Shared Large Screen and Individual Screens, Hitachi Research Laboratory
  2. Combining Realtime Multimedia Conferencing with Hypertext Archives in Distance Education., Norwegian Telecom Research
  3. CSCW for Government Work: POLIKOM-Video, GMD
  4. Multimedia folklore: Capturing Design History and Rationale with Raison d'Etre, IBM

Historical records and retrospectives

  1. Historic Video: A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect, Bootstrap Institute
  2. CAVECAT: Computer Audio Video Enhanced Collaboration at Toronto, U. Toronto

Future Visions

  1. Seamless Media Design, NTT

Last updated April 1997, by Saul Greenberg