CPSC 481: Foundations of HCI |
James Tam (instructor) |
This term project is a continuation of the interface you started developing in Assignment 1. You will be working on two more design evolutions (i.e., Part I & Part II of the project):
- With the first part of the Assignment: You will create a horizontal medium-fidelity prototype by creating screen snapshots as well as writing up a re-design rationale (this the part that you present to your TA's in lab).
- With the second part of the Assignment: You will create a moderately robust system that implements vertical functionality, as well performing a heuristic evaluation and writing up a short design critique of the overall system (you hand in and present to me at the end of the term). Hand in your portfolio in the main Computer Science office (ICT 602). You will electronically hand in your vertical prototype (details will be provided later during the term). (Make sure you include the first part of the assignment in the portfolio as well as your TA's comments).
The project's main purpose is to give you hands-on experience applying some of the design concepts you have been taught in class, and to give you experience developing a moderately robust interface. As part of this project, you will learn how to program using a graphical user interface toolkit, and how to do a heuristic evaluation.
For example, one group created a walk up and use Dinosaur information system (see two snapshots of it: screen one and screen two; and another group created a Home Finder system that allows people to search for homes to buy in the city of Calgary.
Final reminders: Unless your group first clears it with me you must implement your project using the same development language that everyone else is using. While it is far from impossible to get permission I am doing this for your benefit. I have from past experience that groups that choose a different language often find themselves in trouble at the end of term because it is too hard to implement or change things in their interface. Second groups are not only allowed to ask my advice on the design of their system they are strongly encouraged to do this before they hand their projects in. It's better to hear the critiques and comments ahead of time when you can still do something about it than when the project is actually being graded.