(Due Friday June 27: Worth 2%)



Assignment description

You are to write a program that will prompt the user to enter in a non-negative integer.  The program will determine the number of digits that the number consists of through a series of recursive function calls.  For example, if the person entered in "123" then the program would determine that this number consists of three digits and display the original number as well as the number of digits that it's composed of back to the user (see the "Required Test Cases" section below).   The program will make this determination through a recursive function (not a procedure):

function checkDigits (..): integer;


   checkDigits := (* Number of digits in the number*)



Assignment grading

Because this is a bonus assignment which can bring your grade higher than just the maximum grade for assignment component marking will be far tougher.  Most assignments will tend to fully fulfill all requirements or else it will have totally missed everything.  Consequently your submission will likely fall into one of three grade categories.  

D- version (0.7 GPA for the assignment))

The student has invested a considerable effort in the assignment, but the program does not compile.

D version (1.0 GPA for the assignment)

The student has invested a considerable effort in the assignment, the program compiles but does it not fulfill any of the requirements listed in the assignment specification.

A version (4.0 GPA for the assignment)

Fulfills all of the requirements listed in the assignment description as well as fulfilling all the other assignment requirements.


New Concepts to be applied for the assignment 


Other submission requirements

  1. Good coding style and documentation:  They will play a role in determining your final grade for this assignment.  Your grade can be reduced by a letter step e.g., "A" to "A-" for poor programming style.

  2. Submitting your assignment: Run a script and within that script clearly demonstrating all the features that you have implemented (refer to part of the handout that dealt with the running of typescripts in the original assignment submission guidelines).


Required test cases:

You must run the following test cases in order to receive credit for your assignment:

     User input:
     Enter in value: 9

     Program output:
     The number 9 consists of one digit.

      User input:
      Enter in value: 1109

      Program output:
      The number 1109 consists of 4 digits.