Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computer Science I by James Tam Return to the course web page


CPSC 231: Assignment 1(Worth 2%)


Mark out of 4 Letter
4 A
3 B
2 C
1 D
0 F


Introduction to Unix Part 1: Using common commands (3 marks)

On the Unix workstations in the Computer Science lab complete the following steps:

·                Login onto your Unix account

·                Start a script session

·                Show the contents of your home directory

·                Show your location (path) in the Unix file system

·                Make a new directory called “231”

·                Show the contents of your home directory

·                 Enter the newly created ‘231’ directory

·                 Show the contents of the newly created ‘231’ directory

·                Show your location (path) in the Unix file system

·                Go to the official directory for CPSC 231 (/home/231)

·                Show the contents of the CPSC 231 directory

·                Show your location (path) in the Unix file system

·                Go to the directory for assignment 1 (/home/231/assignments/assignment1)

·                Show the contents of the assignment 1 directory

·                Show your location (path) in the Unix file system

·                Display the contents of the a1 file onscreen

·                Copy the a1 file to the newly created ‘231’ directory that you created

          (in your home directory).

·                Go to the newly created ‘231’ directory (in your home directory)

·                Show the contents of the newly created ‘231’ directory.

·                End the script session

·                Print out the script and hand it in (along with the rest of your assignment 1 submission) –

          make sure you read the submission guidelines!


·    3 marks maximum for all steps properly completed

·    2 marks if a step was missed or improperly completed

·    1 mark if two or more steps were missed or improperly completed

·    Zero if more than two steps were missed or improperly completed


Introduction to Unix Part 2: Using a text editor (1 mark)



Using the Unix text editor of your choice (e.g., Emacs, XEmacs etc.) type a brief document (approximately a page or 2 – 3 paragraphs) that describes what you hope to get out of this course (CPSC 231).  Print out this document (via lpr - a script session is unnecessary) and hand it in (along with the rest of your Assignment 1 submission) – make sure you read the submission guidelines!  Make sure that you proof read and spell-check the second part before handing it in.



You will either receive 1 mark for an assignment that fulfills all of the above requirements or 0 for one that does not.


New Concepts to be applied for the assignment