Project: Iterative Interface Design (25%)
Part I: Due week of March 15 - 19 |
Screen snapshots demonstrated in lab
(remember to bring your grading sheet).
Hand in: redesign rational (i.e. changes from the first prototype) + screen
snapshots to your TA at this time. |
Part II: Due
April 12
Due Monday 4:00 PM Complete Portfolio:
including redesign rational, implementation freeze1, latest screen
snapshots, overall critique and evaluation of the final system. If the
section on heuristics is covered in time then you will also need to
perform a heuristic evaluation of your system. Hand in the portfolio
in the main CPSC office (because I will be marking the second section).
Include in the portfolio a floppy disk/CD with the coded system to me (James). |
Demos: April 13 - 15 |
demonstrations as scheduled. I will post a sign-up sheet
outside my office towards the end of the term. All group members
must attend in order to get credit for the project. |
Overview. In this project, you will gain
further hands-on experience through the development of medium and high fidelity prototypes. You will also
learn how to program using a graphical user interface toolkit, and possibly even how to do a
heuristic evaluation. Your design can either continue the interface you prototyped in Assignment
1, or you can develop a new design (make sure you clear this with the course
instructor first).
A note on organization. You must hand in the entire portfolio
when requested, including your Assignment 1 work and the first
part of Assignment 3, as this will show me how your
design has progressed and evolved over the term. As before, keep your project in
a 3-ring binder, beginning with an assignment grading sheet and contribution
forms. Major sections
should be separated by index
What you have to do
Part I. Implement a horizontal prototype, plus re-design Rationale (this is
due the week of March 15 - 19 but must also be included in your project portfolio
for Part II - below).
- Redesign your existing interface from Assignment 1. To do this, you should review your
Assignment 1 prototypes and walkthrough results. You should also apply the
design knowledge you have gained in class to your design. You may want to
develop a few more paper prototypes here and do further walkthroughs to
check your ideas out.
- Implement your design as a medium fidelity horizontal prototype.
Using the GUI toolkit specified in class, design your primary screens. Most of this will
involve widget selection and placement, although you may have to do some
more sophisticated coding if your interface has esoteric components (e.g.,
ActiveX controls).
- Presentation, in lab: You will present and discuss these snapshots
in lab.
- Deliverable: Hand in your portfolio. It should contain:
- A brief (~two to three pages) redesign rationale that describes the main reasons behind
the changes made to your system since Assignment 1.
- Illustrations of your screens (remember it's a horizontal prototype so
it must show screen captures of your whole system). If you are
doing screen captures in the PC labs then you can use either SnagIt (recommended) or a just perform a simple PrintScreen.
Part II. Implement a Vertical prototype, and do an evaluation of this
prototype (this
is due April 12)
- Redesign your interface. To do this, you should evaluate
your interface, selecting from the evaluation techniques you now know e.g.,
walkthrough, usability study, heuristic evaluation, and from applying the
interface design techniques described in class (representations, information
visualization, psychology of everyday things, graphical screen design &
the usability heuristics for design)
- Implement a substantial part of the vertical functionality of your
interface. 'Substantial part' means that examples of the more interesting
and/or crucial
features (screens, error messages, handling of unexpected input, defaults,
robustness, ...) should be demonstrable. (You may program in 'stubs' for
less important tasks you are not implementing in your system at this time (e.g., certain actions may
return some kind of 'Under development' message).
- You may also be required to complete a heuristic evaluation of your final
interface. Details will be provided in lecture but it largely depends
upon when we complete this section.
- Deliverables, in portfolio: Your final portfolio should contain:
- Illustrations of your final implementation, using new screen
- The results of the heuristic evaluation:
- List the problems detected, categorized by heuristics. Include a
severity rating of the problems noted
- Summarize the main findings of your heuristic evaluation
- Final design rationale and discussion (~2 - 5 pages) of the state of your design. Discuss the
quality of your system design focusing on the major strengths and
weaknesses. . What parts of the design works well and
what still needs improvement? Do you really believe that the system
would work well for your identified users and
tasks? Be honest in your evaluation! You will probably
receive a better grade if you are honest in your critique than if
you miss things (or worse if you try to hide them).
- You must email me (or provide a floppy disk or CD)1:
- A zip file containing your project. This must include a README file
containing your full names and any special
instructions for using the system (e.g., login names / passwords /
what data that I am supposed to input when I am using the system - don't neglect
this step. I can only mark projects that I can actually run!). Everything must
run from the installation directory (Hint: use App. Path. This
means that you should use relative rather than absolute paths).
This is important! I repeat, I must be able to run your
program in order to be able to mark it. I suggest that you test your
code on different machines in order to verify this is this case.
Test your code every so often during the end of the semester on the
machines here in order to make sure that everything is okay rather than
waiting until the very end and finding out that nothing works.
- Demonstration. You will demonstrate your running system to the
instructor at the end of the term. A timetable will be posted and you can book
demonstration slots. In order to get credit for this final assignment each
student must attend so pick a time/day that is good for everyone in your
Grading. Grades are based on the quality, sophistication and creative
elements of the
evolving design and its implementation, and the professional nature of the written submissions. Remember that you
are implementing both a horizontal and vertical high fidelity prototype --- the balance between
the two depends on your design . It should contain enough 'meat' to show what it
would be like to interact with the real thing. Grades are not based on
the complexity of underlying application code (hidden back-end code that I
talked about at the beginning of the term) that have little to do with the
interface (the front-end GUI code).
You are emphatically cautioned against biting off more than you can
chew! A modest carefully implemented project often scores much higher
than an ambitious project that is not well done. Start immediately! The
best groups start early, plan activities, divide the work logically, and
communicate well.
1 This means that you should stop coding at this point - this is why
you need to provide me with a copy of your code. Note however that it is
still the responsibility of each group to have their project running for the
demonstrations. With so many projects to mark I won't have time to
make set up each one. That is what each group must do before the demo.