CPSC 481 Foundations of HCI

James Tam (instructor)

Schedule for Fall, 2004

This schedule is subject to change. Definitive dates and particulars are announced in class.





TA's do in tutorial

Students do in tutorial

Sept 8, 10

Lectures begin



No tutorials

No tutorials

Sept 13, 15, 17

Tutorials begin



Describe assignment 1
Talk about example library system (Background, users and tasks)

Form groups of 3 within lab

Sept 20, 22, 24




Walk through example library system with task scenarios

Present Assign 1: steps 1 and 2 (Identification and requirements)

Sept 27, 29, Oct 1





Present Assign 1: steps 3 and 4 (Prototyping and walk-throughs)

Oct 4, 6, 8




Describe assignment 2
Due: Assign. 1 Portfolio - Monday 4:00


Oct 11, 13, 15




No tutorials

No tutorials

Oct 18, 20, 22

    Midterm exam

Lead talk on observations for Assign 2

Discuss observations for Assign 2

To do on own: Finish up assignment 2. Read assignment 3 specs

Oct 25, 27, 29




Introduction to assignment 3
Due: Assign. 2 - Thursday 4:00


Nov 1, 3, 5




Coding Tutorial: Basic introduction to .NET, file IO, multiple forms

To do on own: Assign. 3 redesign and screen snapshots

Nov 8, 10, 12



Reading day

Provide feedback on screenshots
Due in lab: Assign. 3 Portfolio-redesign rational, screen snapshots

Present screenshots

To do on own: Assign. 3 Redesign and implementation based on feedback

Nov 15, 17, 19 




Coding: Data bases, dynamic queries, input checking for text input, grids

To do on own: Assign. 3 Redesign and implementation based on feedback

Nov 22, 24, 26




Coding: Radar view, drag and drop, creating custom controls, timers.

To do on own: Assign. 3 Redesign and implementation based on feedback

Nov 29, Dec 1, 3




Open tutorials: You can go to the TA's for help but there is no formal tutorials

To do on own: Assign. 3 Heuristic evaluation, further redesign and implementation

Dec 6, 8



Last day of class is the 9th.

Due Monday 4:00: Assign. 3 Portfolio, including implementation freeze, latest screen snapshots, heuristic evaluation, final discussion, electronic submission of project. 

No tutorials


No tutorials

Dec 13 - 22

Final exam somewhere in here: more information