Lecture notes for the Introduction to Computer Science II by James Tam Return to the course web page


CPSC 233: Assignment Submission Guidelines

Points to keep in mind:

1) Make sure you read the assignment specifications for each assignment! 

2) All assignments are due at 4 PM sharp!  Lateness submissions will not be accepted.  Lab TA's cannot grant assignment extensions.  In extraordinary circumstances (e.g., illness an extension  may be granted by the course instructor only. 

3) Assignments must be submitted electronically and in paper form:

a) Electronic submissions: All source code files must be electronically submitted using the Unix program called "submit".   Do not email your code to your TA (or to me for that matter - I don't want to receive several emails for each of the six assignments).  Depending upon the particular assignment you may have submit other files - with assignment look under the "Other Submission Requirements" section  for further instructions.

b) Paper submissions: you must hand in a printout that includes: a README file and all source code files (*.java files)  The contents of the README file will differ depending upon the specific assignment (additional details will provided for these assignments) but at a minimum the README should indicate what grade level that you are aiming for (e.g., you have completed all the requirements for an "A" level assignment).   Staple together all paper submissions and the whole package should have the following information on the inside cover (don't write your name and ID number on the outside cover):

Assignments are then to be handed into the appropriate drop box on the second floor of Math Sciences on the northernmost portion of the floor near the rest rooms.  The slots will be labelled by course number and lab number - it is up to you to ensure that your printout goes into the correct box. 

5) Assignments must reflect your individual work - you are not allowed to copy the work of other students.  Nor will students be allowed to work in groups for this class.  Any suspected cases of cheating will be forwarded onto the Department Head, which may result in penalties such as failing the course or even expulsion from the university.  If you are using code that you did not write yourself (e.g., some sample code from the lecture notes) then you must indicate this in the documentation of your program by clearly stating where this code came from.  Using someone else's work and handing it in as your own may constitute academic misconduct  (i.e., cheating)!   Note: You should also make sure that enough of your program consists of your own original work.  For example, if you are told to implement all the code for the sorting algorithm but instead you use a Java library that automatically sorts the list rather than writing it yourself  then this wouldn't be academic misconduct (if you referenced all sources in your documentation) but on the other hand it would leave your TA very little to grade.  In this case he or she can't give you a grade for the sort code because you didn't write it yourself.    There are times that using the code in pre-created libraries may be allowed  without penalty (e.g., using one of Sun's random generators in order to generate random numbers for Assignment 1 & 2).   Additional instructions will be provided with each assignment.