You can find a text-only versions of the notes (no text-formatting or
graphics) under the Unix directory: /home/231/notes/files
Functions and Procedures in Pascal (Leestma & Nyhoff Section
6.2). You may also want to read through Section 6.1 first just to make
sure that you understand how to perform input and output with the user
through read/readln and write/writeln respectively: [PowerPoint]
Optional teaching material
Background / Sources of additional information
Pascal Programming and Problem Solving by Leestma S. and Nyhoff L. 4th
Edition (MacMillan Publishing Company).
Pascal an Introduction to the Art and Science of Programming by Savitch
W.J. (The Benjamin / Cummings Publishing Co., Inc.).
The Pascal link under the
GNU website (since the U of C uses the GNU Pascal compiler gpc).