Multiple-choice questions: for each question, select the option that provides the BEST answer.  Note: no calculators or other automatic computing devices will be allowed in the midterm.


1.     Which of the following are examples of memory that can be written to (changed by the user of the computer)

a.     RAM

b.    ROM

c.     EPROM

d.    (a) And (b)

e.     (a) And (c)

Answer: e


2.     What is the most commonly used type of computer?

a.     Supercomputers

b.    Mainframes

c.     Personal computers

d.    None of the above

e.     All of the above

Answer: c


3.     A megabyte is equal to approximately equal to how many bytes?

a.     One thousand bytes

b.    One million bytes

c.     One billion bytes

d.    One trillion bytes

e.     None of the above

Answer: b


4.     The term RISC is associated with what type of computer hardware?

a.     Processors

b.    Hard drives

c.     Memory

d.    Input

e.     Output

Answer: a


5.     Which of the following hardware are examples of input devices?

a.     Keyboard

b.    Monitor

c.     Joystick

d.    Printer

e.     (a) And (c)

Answer: e



6.     Which of the following statements are true?

a.     A web browser is a type of hardware.

b.    A hard drive is a form of volatile memory.

c.     Given the same screen size, an LCD monitor will tend to cost less than a CRT monitor.

d.    The computer BIOS is a kind of memory.

e.     None of the above statements are true.

Answer: d


7.     Which of the following storage devices can be written to multiple times (i.e., information can be erased).

a.     A hard drive.

b.    A floppy disk.

c.     A CD-ROM

d.    (a) And (b)

e.     (a) And (c)

Answer: d


8.     Which of the following are examples of application software.

a.     Windows 95

b.    Windows 2000

c.     Netscape

d.    Unix

e.     All of the above are examples of application programs.

Answer:  c


9.     Windows 2000 is:

a.     A GUI-based operating system

b.    A single-user operating system

c.     A multi-user operating system

d.    (a) & (b)

e.     (a) & (c)

Answer: e


10. Which of the following statements can be used to describe all operating systems.

a.     They act as an intermediary between the user and the hardware.

b.    They help to manage the resources of the computer.

c.     They protect the work of one user from the work of other users of the same computer.

d.    (a) And (b)

e.     All of the above statements can be used to describe operating systems.

Answer: d


11. When a computer is first turned on which of the following actions occurs first.

a.     The operating system is loaded from RAM to the hard drive.

b.    The operating system is loaded from the hard drive to RAM.

c.     The start-up instructions are copied from the BIOS to the processor.

d.    The processor executes the start-up instructions.

e.     The operating system interprets the input from the user.

Answer: c


12. What are potential techniques that can be employed to get to a particular web page?

a.     Type in the web address.

b.    Click on a link that leads to the web page.

c.     Select the web page from your bookmarks or favourites list.

d.    (a) and (b)

e.     All of the above techniques can potentially be used to reach a web page.

Answer: e


13. What is the result of the following logical AND operation (where T = True, F = False).

















a.     T T T T T

b.    F F F F F

c.     T F F F F

d.    T F T F T

e.     F F F F T

Answer: c


14. What is the binary equivalent of the octal number 123?

a.     123

b.    100100011

c.     1010011

d.    1011010

e.     011010001

Answer: c


15. What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number 110101111?

a.     10F

b.    1AF

c.     D71

d.    657

e.     110101111

Answer: b


16. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10101011.110?

a.     255.75

b.    171.25

c.     171.5

d.    171.75

e.     None of the above are correct

Answer: d


17. What is sum of the following octal numbers?




a.     110

b.    152

c.     160

d.    162

e.     None of the above.

Answer: d


18. Which of the following is the 1’s complement equivalent of the unsigned binary number –101011

a.     010100

b.    –010100

c.     010101

d.    011011

e.     None of the above.

Answer: a


19. Which one of the following computing devices was often used to calculate artillery trajectories in 17th century Europe?

a.     The abacus

b.    The sector

c.     The quadrant

d.    Napier’s bones

e.     Pascal’s calculating machines

Answer: b


20. Which inventor modified the basic design of Pascal’s calculating machine to allow multiplications to be performed?

a.     John Napier

b.    Blaise Pascal

c.     Alan Turing

d.    James Tam

e.     None of the above

Answer: e


21. What was the first machine(s) that could perform calculations automatically?

a.     The Stretch

b.    The ENIAC

c.     The Zuse computers (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4)

d.    The EDSAC

e.     The Enigma machines.

Answer: c


22. Which computer did Clifford Berry help to develop?

a.     The Stretch

b.    The ENIAC

c.     The Amiga

d.    The ABC

e.     The Bell Complex Number Calculator.

Answer: d


23. What was the first computer that could handle multiple terminals?

a.     The Bell Complex Number Calculator

b.    The ENIAC

c.     The Harvard Mark I

d.    LEO

e.     The Pentium-based computers

Answer: a