Assignment grading

Unless otherwise specified, assignments must be printed out and handed in by 4:00 PM on the specified due date in the correct assignment drop box (located on the second floor of the Math Sciences building).  Assignments will be graded in terms of how closely the assignment specifications were fulfilled.  Late assignments will not be accepted.  If you have some legitimate extenuating circumstances then you must inform the course instructor before the assignment is due.  Special arrangements can only be made with the course instructor and not with the lab instructor.  Any student found to be copying all or part of an assignment from another student or another source will be reported to the Dean of Science, who will enforce penalties which including failing the course or expulsion from the university (as described on page 50 of the university calendar).

Most assignments will fall into one of the following grade categories:

    A (Excellent): The assignment fulfills all requirements in the assignment specification as well as demonstrating attention to detail.

    C (Satisfactory):  The assignment is missing some of the requirements and /or there is a general lack of attention to detail.

    F (Fail): The assignment misses two or more of the requirements.